Storage and acquisition machine sounds badass!
Storage and acquisition machine sounds badass!
Can someone explain the cultural difference between Japan and the rest of the US around copyright law?
Once again convenience trumped everything else. People are lazy as shit.
Pretty sure Zelensky said he would never give up territory, so you sorta need to go around him at that point.
People place convenience too high on their priority list when figuring out what services to use.
You mean networks dont just manage themselves?
In a given moment, yes you either have rhythm or you dont. In this given moment, we have not a democracy but something else. I guess you could say I dont know what it is for sure, but I do know its not a democracy.
I suppose you could argue that people choosing to support an oligarchy is a form of democracy though, since it is majority opinion.
I love how effective Americas anti-china propaganda is that anyone can simply refer to the Uighurs to counter any pro-china statement.
Big bad china must have gone into a bunch of mosques and taken the nice Uighurs into concentration camps because china hates Muslims, or something. Surely nothing else had happened.
Its like Nazi Germany taking over Austria.
Right, democrats are the enlightened bunch and republicans are fumbling in the dark. The mythology continues.
You dont improve democracy, you have it or you dont.
Well thats quite a lesson to learn.
Oh no I missed the most important election?! Shit! I thought the last one was! And people said the one before that was too! Fuck! I’m just trying to vote how you all want me too, I’m not trying to be a bad democwat :'(
Can’t believe american propaganda is so powerful in the UK, makes me sad. Wanna be our 51st state?
Not voting for candidate = voting for them.
Solid logic.
Telling people how they have to vote.
Also, solid logic.
The arbitrary numbers are that NASA should have “more minorities than 10 years ago”. Why 10 years ago? Why more then they had then? Isn’t NASA famous for working on DEI for more than 50 years, before it was even called DEI?
If they had or have unfair hiring practices, show me an example. Surely theres someone who was the most qualified but passed over for being a minority.
I’m not against DEI, just not every company is the same. Also I dont see much DEI for jobs where white people are the minority. I got fired from a job in my teens because the supervisor thought I was a lazy white person who " couldn’t even do the jobs our women do", and 90% of the workers were from Mexico. Wheres my DEI initiative?
Maybe I love hard labour and it sucks I can’t get a job in it because everyone thinks I’ll be lazy and demand extra benefits.
Here’s an example of NASA discriminating, and the legal process to rectify it. Thats appropriate. Showing some arbitrary numbers and saying they aren’t high enough is nonsense.
A company that doesnt discriminate might need to hire people it doesnt want to just to fill a quota. Thats wasteful, and disrespectful to the people hired.
I’m saying those statistics do not say that NASA discriminates against non-whites. They could, but theres no proof of it. Applying a blanket rule to all business whether they are discriminating or not is over-reaching.
Sounds like they were already only hiring qualified people.
Forcing DEI where there was no problem causes a problem.
Cool study. What evidence is there that NASA has an unfair hiring practice they need to adjust for?
The problems I have are for very specific categories. A lot of the reality tv isn’t available because they are meant to be watched during the time period they air. The more popular ones are still there, jersey shore for example. Documentaries can be hit or miss, especially the ones that were released for free already on a random site or YouTube. You can always download those directly from the web page though.
Sometimes I have trouble with very old seasons of shows. Usually its easier to find an entire show torrent, but sonarr can’t handle multi-season downloads so you have to do it manually.
I have more trouble with things that should be automated requiring manaual intervention than the things not being available at all.