Won’t somebody think of the Military Industrial Complex’s profits?
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Won’t somebody think of the Military Industrial Complex’s profits?
Got problems at home? Time to Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran…
Got problems overseas? Time to Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran…
Look how it easy it is to solve problems, when your ass isn’t on the front lines! /s
Look, you will have a sizable contingent of people shelling out an additional $20 to $80 just to play a game a few days early, with little to no other benefits. Their impatience is capitalized on.
The latest: A couple comments about the US VP Debate I had started but decided against. Often times I realize that I’m angry and upset at something I read, but I should step back and breathe before posting a rant and opt instead for something more level-headed.
In the past year: Some replies that I write sound like just backtalk so I don’t post those when they don’t meaningfully advance the discussion. Some discussion topics like about autism, LBGTQ, gender equality, wars, religion, and race issues I want to reply to, to help spur and advance awareness and discussion, but sometimes I feel it’s not my place. I want to leave it for people with more direct experience to provide better answers. Oh and one other reason: sometimes I start writing but delete too topic- or location-specific answers that could doxx myself. I don’t mind people knowing what city I live in or have been in but any more granular than that you will have to know me better personally.
Alle Arbeit und kein Spaß macht Jack zu einem Deutschen.
I am crossing my fingers that Mozilla doesn’t completely break K-9 mail by forcing Thunderbird before feature parity, it’s my favourite mobile mail client. I love using the volume keys to quickly scroll through inbox messages and mark them as read. (Other clients don’t seem to mark read unless you stare at a message for 3 seconds)
Hey Mr. Kimura, where should we build our new airport?
Mr. Koizumi, we have a big plot of empty land over here, do you remember why we haven’t built anything there yet?
… No?
… Okay!
Expectation: it doesn’t work well at all
Result: It kinda works?
Some nasty jerks they are. Well now internationally famous nasty jerks.
I remember using Reddit years ago on Links. New Reddit was borderline unusable, old Reddit worked… okayish. How is Default web UI Lemmy on Links? Is there a nice TUI client that I guess you would use more regularly?
I mean it’s safe to say it was probably the last opportunity to do a protest on that scale even before these changes. Maybe they can still do “remove any post on wellthatsucks that isn’t a vacuum” type of change.
Probably old Reddit imploding will bring a few more this way, but safe to say that most people who left Reddit because it’s changed for the worse since 5-15 years ago have already left. Still, I have seen a few new users join Lemmy after TechLinked mentioned the site and a continuous trickle would be welcome.
On another note, hearing the “council of Reddit moderators” makes me imagine a cringeworthy meetup in someone’s basement.
Not even enticing people with “free premium currency” just for logging in could entice me to play an Ubisoft shooter.
Uh. Can you explain why? What does disqualifying from being beautiful mean, who is the judge of that?
This is like the time Joe Biden said “you ain’t black” if you’re not sure whether Trump is for you, though his comment was tongue-in-cheek and yours I’m not so sure. One doesn’t “disqualify” themselves of being a certain physical characteristic just because they believe something else.
Yeah seems legit, “party of family values” - let’s rent some women for your photoshoot. I wonder if they consulted Mike Pence’s binders to find them.
President Biden deserves way more credit for getting what he’s done this term despite the GOP’s best efforts to hamstring it in every possible way.
I can’t deny that Steam has a large marketshare over the digital video game distribution market, and that it could abuse its position, and that the 30% distributor cut is steep. All true. Is it currently abusing its position? Arguably yes and no.
Looking through the evidence document provided in the video, the alleged link between decreased % of multihoming indicating the enforcement of a PMFN is weak IMO. Steam’s support for Linux, its own Steam Deck, good customer service, return policy, family sharing and remote play are major reasons to be a Valve patron, not always about price.
The evidence at 9:05 in the video that suggests Valve says they “stop selling them altogether” was in response to a Steam Key inquiry. The other quotes were related to removing it from the front page and sales feature pages (not delisting but not there unless you search for it). That’s not delisting but perhaps it is anti-competitively deranking it. I’m not sure what the rules are though, like a grocery store doesn’t have to put a product at the front of a store when a rival has a steeper sale for it, but they could ask for the same discount while offering to make it similarly visible. Overall it’s not nearly as serious as OOP makes it seem.
The 2 reasons you provide are actually why games that offer an offline mode functionality (more specifically that the seller cannot revoke access to after the transaction, which includes making the digital good available at the time of purchase for permanent offline download to an external storage source to be used without a connection to the internet) are exempted from needing to follow this law.
I don’t think this is a preemption of the SKG campaign but actually one of the realistic goals of that campaign. I don’t think the ability to rent software for a limited time is an issue, but tricking people into thinking they can use something they purchased forever, to have it unilaterally taken away due to 3rd party licensing, decommissioning servers or other excuse is the problem.
Oooh is this the 9.9 severity vulnerability teased earlier? If it’s printers, that would make total sense, those machines are the spawn of hell.
Don’t give me hope…
umu, what’s this?
Jokes aside, I actually needed this since I used to run Proton just like WINE but after some version many games didn’t work by just changing “wine” to “proton”.