Why does Sony always feel like you could replace anything they say with “You should consider yourself lucky we allow you to play our games.”
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
Why does Sony always feel like you could replace anything they say with “You should consider yourself lucky we allow you to play our games.”
Old people and overreacting to normal things because new ideas are scary and confusing
Name a more iconic duo
“the best city builder of 2024”
I mean, I like what they have so far but uh… It’s a pretty low bar, it’ll be hard to trip over…
Fun for what they have, but after maybe 10 hours you’ve played every aspect of the game. Each new game feels exactly like the game you just left. There isn’t much “design tweaking” you can do, and there isn’t much you can unlock that changes any gameplay.
Still, I have it with game pass and I keep it just in case something updates. It is fun to play. And you can disable the weird competitive features. This is a city builder, not call of duty. I don’t care to play against an opponent.
If every soldier turned toward Moscow right now, they’d have the higher ups scrambling to throw each other out windows, starting at the top, before they get to the city limits.
Yeah, my dogs will be gone by then so I would absolutely set up a tent close enough to catch it. I’d even bring a baseball glove for shits and giggles.
Project Sundial can still make a comeback.
“When you are of working age and you have no more days off this week”
No need for pointless generational divides, we’re all exhausted from this hell life.
by the time it gets here
Can we move the timetable up?
Her logic IS undeniable.
You heard it here folks, you shouldn’t question something unless you are directly affected by it.
I would like that, the structure would not.
For now all I have is a dragon tree that needs extra attention I need advice on, and an aloe plant.
The first time I played that I was at the tail end of a marathon session from hyperfixating on the game.
I quit playing for a week because the cutscenes.
And of course beat it first try with no warm up when I came back…
Saturday was really warm here, like “t-shirt and jeans weather” warm.
I was in the middle of walking between buildings when the clouds broke.
I immediately turned toward the sun and for one, shining moment, I channeled the spirit of Solaire of Astoria. For a brief moment, I was so grossly incandescent.
I decided “fuck this I’m going home and practicing archery.” so I stood out in the sun for an hour and a half until the sun dipped below the trees.
I really need to get one of those full spectrum light panels that helps with seasonal affective disorder, or like a vitamin d lamp or something. It doesn’t help that my current residence has no windows, so all light is artificial and to get any sun I have to actually go outside.
Please… No more…
You take that back, I protect my marines while playing!
You know… As much as possible while charging headfirst into the most powerful empire the galaxy has seen in 100,000 years hell bent on destroying humanity and all we represent…
Ah yes, that pursuit and sharing of knowledge known as “paying a shitload of money for the privilege of making a company that ultimately provides nothing of value some extra cash”
I didn’t know ml is cool with ultracapitalism as long as it’s under the veneer of knawlege.
But the business analysts are the most profitable group, anywhere! If you don’t believe me just hire a business analyst to analyze things and they’ll prove it to you!
The first elementary school I went to was built in the 1930s and had two of these in every bathroom. Never had to wait to wash my hands.
Granted, I never had to wait in highschool either but that’s because teenagers are nasty.