The sneer thrown at you before you even speak
Slow and low. That IS the tempo
Outer space no. Inner space yes but it wasn’t pretty
Because they no longer follow their god
Why bother? Money that’s sent will go to their defense efforts against our revolutionaries so if you’re on their side feel free. If not keep it and buy your own ammo for protection from invasion
Probably the same idea EA had
Don’t have an actual favorite. Just using bics forever due to convenience
Clown gonna clown
Hell no. The green monster can friggin kill you
Have tried that too with no luck.
Washer is showing age, dryer is not. The worst issue is my hard water. Even copious amounts of bleach don’t get my whites beyond gray dinge with it
Hatband’s too tight and it shows
Justifiable. Goes to show the corrupting influence of allowing sinister whispers into one’s head
I’m more concerned with the military leadership. Without the competence and conscience of a good head the body dies
Every bond you break every claim you stake
Neither. Its just another nail in the coffin/ thread on the urn lid
Everything happens after you die. Who told you nothing does?