Geophrey Oliver Dinglehopper?
Geophrey Oliver Dinglehopper?
A cornerstone of construction
I mute and change channels. Bout half of them have the same ads on at the same time though
Jackass and proud of it
The orange fool only has a tools relationship with pootin. Never been more than that
yes it does. just going by the numbers posted operating in the space it does results in a net loss of12% battery each trip.
heh. wonder how reddit feels holding images posted to lemmy.
misinformation? just call it lies. reads easier and just as accurate.
whooboy, ol borscht britches better toe the line heh
its bad enough i have to constantly kill the oobe crap every few minutes. glad i dont have that to pile on
go look at pictures of the Indian power systems
we have a “wind park” a few miles west of here. i get some of my power from it. slightly less than half of them are inactive at any given time. dunno if its intentional or a rotation scheme. never see any crew trucks around the dead ones
the motions of the electrons moving through those wires can be
antibiotics get overused to the point they no longer perform
i would start carrying tasers, ladies
wow the butchery seems to be going worldwide
sizzle doesnt keep you alive. but hey you die pretty huh
Thank you