• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • 1.) Someone is always the weakest link, it is what it is and it’s not necessarily a bad thing (just because you’re possibly not as experienced as your coworkers, doesn’t mean you’re doing a bad job)

    2.) It sounds to me like you have a good work ethic (working over to help your team etc, and being concerned about it to begin with)

    3.) It also sounds like your company may actually just be understaffed or over working your team. As other people have said a ton of companies like to tun skeleton crews. I’ve been victim to this phenomenon in the past and boy did it suck.

    4.) Complaining is definitely something you can work on. Everybody complains sometimes, and people who pretend like they don’t are liars. Keep it minimal, and don’t let it be such a pattern that everyone just hears it and goes “oh that’s so-and-so bitching again”. Relax, things happen all the time. You can still talk about negative things, you just don’t also have to always be negative about it.

  • There isn’t a hell of a lot you can do to really get rid of them. I’d try to find out if they’re renting the property and see if you can get in contact with the landlord/property management company and tell them about it. Most lease agreements require that you disclose how many residents are staying there so there’s a good chance theyre violating that rule among many others. The other thing is (assuming that this is the US since no location given and that’s where I have experince) document absolutely everything. Make a notebook just for writing down the date and time of every stupid / possibly illegal thing you see them do. Take video / audio recordings whenever possible and avoid direct contact. Then every time they rev their motorcycle at 3am call the non emergency police line. Every. Single. Time. The cops will get tired of it, but they’ll be more tired of the likely rude/violent reaction from your scumbag neighbors. Also call animal control any time you see their dog running outside of their property or of it bites someone. Long term / extreme pettiness is what’s going to work. Most importantly though never confront them directly and never tell them you’re calling the cops.