• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • “I disagree with the framing” is a fun cop out for ignoring the consequences of your inaction. Just pretend it’s the frame that you don’t like. Dance around your crumb comment and stand on nothing.

    You are for sacrificing scapegoats. You called them crumbs my comrade. You made it very very clear you do not care about the immediate social consequences of folks targeted by fascists. That’s your “framing” and I’m telling you that it lacks empathy and completely betrays the ideals you think you are advocating for.

    You are effectively telling targeted minorities to suck it up and suffer the next 4 years hoping that they are still alive to do it again the next 4. That’s your frame. Your frame sucks. Fuck your frame.

  • If you can’t get how that multitudes of oppression also intersects with capitalism then there is no saving you. You are willing to sacrifice crumbs/queer folk in the immediate term for literally no reason and no justification. You just personally don’t give enough of a shit about those issues to consider them to be something in the moment worth caring about. Who cares about queer rights in the now when we should be caring about working class! You say as of queer folk and their oppression isn’t homousian with the plight of the working class.

    You just don’t care. It’s that simple and you’ve made that clear. You actively give 0 shits. Just crumbs to you.

  • So let’s just ignore the people who would suffer in the immediate future to instead “focus” on the indeterminate #revolution that will totally then deal with it. In the meantime I shouldn’t be bothered about the suffering of really any oppressed group and their actual lives. I see, I see. But what if I’d like for my queer folks to not be criminalized back into the closet? Not in the future after the #revolution but instead the immediate future?

    If your so willing to sacrifice folks current ability to live their lives for the perceived high ground of not engaging with electoral politics then just go ahead and sacrifice yourself. Or is your immediate suffering too much of a concern?

    Didya know you can both vote for Dems knowing the whole duopoly and electoral bullshit and still be a radical leftist? Crazy concept, I know. But let’s not forget that while economically and foreign policy wise the Dems and Republicans are the same, they are not the same in all regards. And unless you plan on dismantling the US government in the next few months, I’d like people I care about to be a liiiiiiiittle safer than the alternative.

    But hey, the current lives of oppressed groups is just crumbs to you so, empathy is probably not the best way to convey this so let’s talk in terms you understand.

    Queer folk are overwhelmingly leftist. Maybe you’d like to keep that potentially radicalizeable pop alive and put rather than dead or in the closet.

    Or would you rather accelerate their oppression and hope the loss of rights causes a radicalization swing?

    Or do you not give a shit either way cause once again, they are just crumbs to you.