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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2024


  • It would halve it or worse. ASUS makes a few models with built in internal batteries which work quite well.

    The type that latch onto your existing laptop display are really not great. They put a huge amount of extra force on the hinge where tons of sensitive ribbon cables live and you are severely limited in viewing angle. Not to mention you can’t move the monitor around in a tight work space or disconnect it easily to hit the field.

    A standalone portable monitor is the best solution IMO. The nicer models come with adjustable stands, protective travel cases, and USB-C DP pass through functionality.

  • Great tactic, clearly your posts show you are a racist, fascist genocide supporter. Because your entire existence is so tenuous, you resort to making outlandish claims as the basis for your “argument” and then criticize others for somehow sticking to reality.

    Note how your all-powerful “quote” is the literal opposite of what the original commenter posted, yet you use it as a platform to attack.

    Pathetic, but what do you expect from .world.

  • That’s a great tip, those instances are absolutely biased against Western propaganda that has verifiably been proven false hundreds of times over.

    However, valid criticisms of Putin’s authoritarian regime and the failures of China are absolutely up for discussion in the appropriate communities and near-universally recognized as valid by those instances.

    The better question is, why are you attempting to spread blatant CIA propaganda? What even is a “tankie”? Someone that recognizes violence is necessary to end fascism?

    I guess you’d consider the Allies in WW2 as “tankies” as well? Or NATO, right? Surely liberal logic is consistent and not at all a warped parroting of decades of American propaganda that is, again, easily proven to be demonstrably and objectively false?