I can’t guarantee the Wookie will win. Place your bets and let’s see who loses an arm.
I can’t guarantee the Wookie will win. Place your bets and let’s see who loses an arm.
I’ve never seen any of the Final Destination movies, but the seeing trailer was still enough to make me stay away from the log trucks.
I think it depends on your intended audience. If what you’re filming is meant to be viewed on a phone, then vertical makes sense. If the video is meant to be viewed on a TV, movie screen, or computer monitor, then rotate your phone.
I once went to a pagan pride festival and noticed that the vendor with Norse stuff had “No Nazis” signs up. Up to that point, I didn’t know that Nazis had infiltrated Norse paganism. It sucks and it makes me worry about my daughter’s boyfriend who is really into Norse pagan stuff. I hope I have raised her well enough that she will punch him in the dick if he starts in on any neo-Nazi shit.
I was a chemistry major in college. The tests all came with a periodic table for reference. Didn’t have to memorize a thing. We were even allowed to use calculators! High school was full of lies.