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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • It’s an important life skill, being able to plant a thought in the mind of another and in a way that is likely to be accepted.

    It crossed my mind since my last writing that, in the 80s, I got a money back guarantee for any counter-surveillance equipment purchased that didn’t reveal surveillance equipment in a Fortune 100 facility. It was that pervasive back then. And my perception is that morals and business ethics have not improved in the interim. Far from it.

    Good luck and thanks for the valuable, respectful input.

  • Points well made and taken, thanks. No hostility perceived at all.

    Reasonable minds can differ and frequently do. And it could be that people may think my suggestion is unrealistic or even silly.

    There’s no shortage of miscreants out there who just like to mess with things, thrown wrenches into spokes, etc. And these types could well be behind the daily local issues.

    But here’s an important point, and no offense intended. Corporations are like The Terminator. But instead of getting Sarah Connor, they purse profits. And regardless of CEO intelligence or accumen, every Fortune 500 company has a department that deals in these areas. They all have their skunk works and use them. It’s been this way for centuries. A primer: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_espionage

    So whether they’re operating here atm or not, there is nothing paranoid about assuming they are. If they’re not, they will be. It’s what they do.

    Thanks for the input. :)

  • I volunteer admin my own public service gig elsewhere, >10 years x 365 days. It requires some diligence to try and prevent scammers and fraud - there’s a bit more at stake than just memes. It don’t pay much, but it’s honest work.jpg

    I appreciate that people keep up the groups I follow just for amusement. And I’m definitely not looking to put those mods out of a job. I know it’s work, and I appreciate those who do it.

    I’ve wondered since the grumbling started why people weren’t establishing their subs elsewhere, even if just a place holder.

  • I have an ethical conundrum. There were a couple subs I liked. I didn’t like spaz’ off-putting move. But when I learned of deddit’s treatment of a mod, I’d seen enough.

    I moved here and setup a landing place for the members of one sub to land. It was not ‘my’ sub. I didn’t start or mod it. But I wanted it to continue. Not much has happened with it. And the founder, whom I DMed, hasn’t come over afaik.

    Another sub I liked was still dark when I left, and can’t find any indication of it restarting elsewhere.

    I don’t want to step on toes or steal anybody’s sub or the credit due. I also don’t want those groups to die.

    What’s The Right Thing to DO?

  • I left, deleted my account and any comments of value. The place is dead to me. It’s incomprehensible why people are still there being butthurt about it. They haven’t been kidnapped. There’s no guy at the door with a gun who’s suggesting they not leave.

    There’s nothing new, no surprises. Abusive people, who treat others poorly (spoiler!), will abuse and treat people poorly. Why hang with that?

    It’s like they’re addicted to the free buffet. But the only thing being served lately is shit sandwiches.

    Well… bon apetit ya diehards.

  • I was admonished to be careful on a dirtbike as a child, had a fear reinforced in me. Meanwhile, this other kid was quite aggressive, and would piss me off when he’d fly by me on the track. In contrast with my parents cautions, his parents encouraged his style and he was a very highly ranked competitor in the state. He was WOT no matter where he was, turns, jumps, passing me. Absolutely fearless.

    He had a bad day at the races when he was about 10 years old, suffered a significant brain injury. And he hasn’t been independent since.