• 3 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024

  • Speaking as a person of Asian descent, no one really cares about the Jews in that part of the world as much as the West does. Imperial Japan saw Jews-- who are mostly Germans–as, well, Germans. There are too few Jews in the Far East to make an impression on East Asians. Anti-Semitism is more like West/Middle East thing. That being said, I feel like anti-Semitism is a hate fad that has gone on for far too long. I get that it started when Jesus wasn’t recognised as the messiah and Christians hated that, but it was a long time ago. And there are other minority groups who had been persecuted in the past, but now less so compared to the intensity that anti-Semitism has.

    I’m not saying that other persecuted groups have had it better-- anyone persecuted is still persecuted-- but there seems to be a far lingering hate fad on Jews. The Irish and Italians in America were discriminated but now not so much. The Jews happen to be very affluent and intelligent, and therefore accused of “secretly running the world”, but Asians are also stereotyped as nerds, tend to take STEM jobs which afford them more flexible social mobility, but no one accuses the latter of also secretly running the world.

  • Arguably, the 90s had been the most peaceful (with the exception of few conflicts) and most prosperous decade. The world was just coming out from the spectre of the cold war as a result of collapse of communism, and globalisation is ramping up with many countries signing free trade agreements. But if you ask me, the 00s is arguably more peaceful and more prosperous decade than the 90s, because there were fewer conflicts and we’re enjoying the full peak economic prosperity of globalisation and free trade. However, globalisation is mismanaged and we were living in borrowed time during the era as deregulation of free trade led us to the Great Recession. And now we’re in downward spiral since with economic austerity having been applied; more conflicts spewing again; and nativist counterculture is trying to reverse globalisation.

  • TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.worldtoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldBased
    17 days ago

    This person gets it: https://lemmy.world/comment/10602199

    Many questioned what drives evolution when Charles Darwin introduced it. Nobody knows until 80 years later, DNA has finally been visualised, which confirmed and reinforced the theory of evolution.

    Also, what do you mean “God”? Why do you assume there is only one “god”? It is funny that the ancients would say “gods” (Hindus and other poytheists still do so) but now with monotheistic proselytisation or forced conversion, half the world say “god”. So which god are you referring to? What if other gods are real and yours isn’t? Abrahamic practioners say like it is a checkmate when-- if you take science out of the debate-- there are other religions who say their deities are real, and their religious beliefs and claim of how the universe was made are correct and yours isn’t. I can’t remember the name of the medieval European philosopher but he also saw how religions contradict each other arrived to the same conclusion that religions must not be real; long before modern atheists even thought the same.

  • I don’t get what vatniks and Russian trolls are trying to do. Yes, Ukraine is at war and conscription is enforced. So what? What do they expect from a country invaded unprovoked and in a total war as a result?

    I think what trolls are trying to do is not trying to demoralise the opponents, but reinforce the propaganda back home in Russia. Russian propaganda is already telling the Russians that they are winning and Ukraine is losing, even though Russia have lost way more soldiers than Ukrainians did in terms of ratio. Yes, Ukraine has fewer people so they are running out of soldiers and recruiting older folks; but Russia has lost plenty more but don’t want to tap the huge but politically-sensitive Russian urban population who will not appreciate being drafted.

  • Yeah, some people are genuinely natural born killers. I was watching a documentary by Morgan Freeman (yes, god himself) on religion and the problem of evil. He interviewed a murderer who is sentenced to lifelong imprisonment. And the killer knows he did wrong but just doesn’t feel bad about it at all. CT scan of his brain showed that part of the brain linked to empathy is not active on him. So yes, unfortunately some people are just evil.