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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I don’t currently have a computer powerful enough to host a top tier LLM like chatgpt4. If I can’t even run it, I sure as shit could never continue to train it with new data. I often use chatgpt with my phone and the thought of doing either one is ridiculous.
    There are ways to make money on open source outside of the open source item itself. Redhat has done just that with Linux.
    An LLM is just software. No matter what algorithm, tool, or fairy magic was used to amalgamate the data it consumed, they all sucked in open source code and just like any other software that includes open source software, it should be subject to the licensing on the open source software, which pretty much means they should be open source themselves. Companies that want to make money off of AI trained on public data can make their money on the value they add, just like redhat.
    The biggest issue I see right now is how to deal with AIs tendency to output data untransformed. Trademark and all those types of licenses are negated as long as the idea within is transformed, but it is really hard to argue transformation when the stupid thing is pooping out word for word quotes, but acting as if it is “new” and transformed.

  • You are 100% correct. It is awful and tragic and nothing to laugh at.
    But you also have to realize that there’s nothing that the majority of us here can do about it. Even as a country we are already doing everything we can do to deal with the war.
    So, how are we as powerless humans supposed to deal with the knowledge of this unstoppable horror? How are we supposed to process this horror and the 20 other worse ones we will hear about before lunch time?
    For many people, the only way to make it through a day and fight against the onslaught of never ending horror by summoning up another emotion. Sometimes it’s anger, but anger is bad if you have no purpose for it. If you can’t become constructive with it then it becomes destructive. So what else is there that isn’t destructive or paralyzing? For many of us, it is dark humor. We push aside the constant onslaught with laughter. That’s how we get through the day instead of lashing out or curling up in a ball.
    So you are both right. It is awful and horrible and not humorous at all, but at the same time it’s deeply and darkly hilarious.

  • <exploding-head.gif>. Holy shit dude… A significant portion of my life just snapped into focus with an almost audible click. I got an actual head rush as my brain went into overload trying to re-sort pretty much it’s entire contents.
    I know this is a throwaway comment for you, but this shit explains so much of my life.

  • Doctors often do rounds at the hospital first thing in the morning. There could have been an issue at the hospital that kept them, or maybe there was an unexpected influx of patients getting hospitalized the night before. People tend to ask the people around them about their doctor when they are looking for a new doctor. So, if there was an accident at a factory, or even just food poisoning from a church gathering, it’s not surprising if a large number of the group have the same PCP or GP.
    On the other hand, many doctors are just narcissistic shit heads with God complexes who don’t give a fuck about us mere mortals.
    My pcp is often running late, but it is because he specializes in diseases that affect the elderly like diabetes and heart disease. So he often has to go to the hospital unexpectedly. On the other hand, anytime I’ve ended up in the hospital, he’s been there first thing in the morning making sure that they aren’t screwing up my medications, which they always are.