Unless, of course, the US exits NATO. At this point, everybody would be better of without them.
Unless, of course, the US exits NATO. At this point, everybody would be better of without them.
Good on you, Zelensky. Do not cave.
Rule #1 to not get invaded: Hide your country as centrally as possible in your continent.
It seems Hydrogen dioxide is pretty deadly too. We’re all fucking doomed.
You’re not wrong about that.
“Gee, George. Use some deodorant, for Christ’s sake.”
Those novel currencies, of course, will be tied to Bitcoin or some other “coin” they’ll create exclusively for that purpose, brothel-money style.
Actual membership for Turkey hasn’t been a serious option for a long time. Turkey knows it, EU knows it. There simply is no other label than “candidate” that could better describe what TR means to the EU. They want to keep it as close as possible, and TR benefits from it, a lot. A symbiosis, if you will. As for the Switzerland model, the EU clearly stated, multiple times, that they don’t want to repeat the unholy mess of relations they created with CH and, in fact, would rather transform it to something in line with stock EU foreign policy.
The varsity jacket looks like a 6th-grader designed it.
Serves him well for taunting a fully-grown leopard with “psss… psss… psss…”
Excuse the naive question please, but how will Canadians know each other?
At this point, I’m seriously wondering what the Reichstag fire will be that will prompt the US to conjure up an “enemy without,” steamroll several sovereign countries and blockade the Mediterranean and most of the Atlantic.
Looking up the Hutchinson Encyclopedia pictured above: which one of you did this?
I use it to (re)compress audiobooks, podcasts and such, they still sound very good at 32 kbps.
Fun fact, Opus has been supported by a hobby OS like MorphOS for years, my ancient hardware doesn’t break a sweat playing it.
From the same thread:
If You Like Regular Expressions So Much, Why Don’t You Marry Them?
Can relate.
Now do Reddit comments.
I had worms once and I found out only because of this type of toilet. I must have gotten them from a park where I was sitting down on the grass, without a blanket.
For shit sure, even.