Two in a week. Beats one I suppose.
Two in a week. Beats one I suppose.
Threads is, in my experience, a poor user experience. Lots of engagement farming and repeated posts, and bots.
You going too deep with it.
No I don’t.
First Gran Turismo.
I thought the whole brand had closed. Bought a screwdriver once, everything else was stupid money (Including the screwdriver probably.).
I want their to be enough migrants CEOs can’t buy any yachts.
“You need to keep phoning and sending letters to employers, they’ll give you a job eventually”.
I dunno. The first half was the original Italian Job.
…and completely ignoring that a lot of countries are struggling.
Hang on lads, I’ve got a great idea…why don’t they create a new flag that represents everyone?
And the sub doesn’t even have to be related. I got banned from commenting in r/thatsinsane for a comment in r/karma4u, can’t even remember commenting there.
I would say so. My concentration spans decimated, it’s either this or drinking. Or stress.
I remember my mate at school when I was 6 or so telling me your mum and dad let him. Can’t remember anything beyond that.
Encarta. And something I can’t remember the name of that had a man’s bald head with grey hair on the sides…
Interesting, especially given the east had the most to gain.
I was, and am, a very pro remain northerner.
I always found it interesting that Brexit transcended demographics.
Now gambling firms have ads that tell you not to use them.
I’m wouldn’t mind if it was “you have increased your limit once today, you can’t do that for 48 hours now” then 60, then 120, or something. But no, it’s just “set limits”, that you can change whenever you want…
Fairly certain it wasnt 100% north leave/south remain though.
Apologies if you’re taking the piss.
Edit; added letters so I could say what I meant.
Mostly leftists for me, I seem to get loads of “suggested for you” as well.