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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024


  • It is an enemy of the world. With all its imperfections the UN with the ICJ and ICC were the best development we had towards a rule based international order, where diplomacy and cooperation could be a counterbalance to barbarism and the rule of the jungle.

    Now Israel is making it abundantly clear, that all of this is worthless, while dragging the West down morally and ethically and on top of all of this actively attacking those institutions.

    Israel wants the world to devolve into barbarism and the US, Germany, UK and other supporters are actively cheering it on with their actions, while providing transparent words of “hmm. we need peace and stuff.” while delivering even more weapons and preventing yet another diplomatic solution.

  • Ahh yeah? Like the international pressure against the ethnic cleansing and annexation of the Westbank before October 7? Like the international pressure after the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh? Like the international pressure when Israeli soldiers were openly praising their counts of murdered children during the peaceful march of return protests?

    You think the countries that were fine with all of this and continued to be fine with the destruction of all of Gaza, the deliberate starvation and displacement of two million people and the genocidial murder of over 40.000 of which more than 17.000 are children would somehow start having a problem with that, when Israel got back the remaining 100 hostages?

    You know this is bullshit and you are lying in order to justify more of the things described by distracting from them with bullshit tropes.

  • Tuesday coming after Monday is an arbitrary convention. In the same way that for natural numbers in the decimal system we called the number after one two and the one after that three. But we could have also called them three, two, one, four…

    And yes i claim that believing there to be no god is a form of faith.

    Think about it this way: God promises the believers who do good and ask forgiveness for their sins paradise and threatens the disbelievers with eternal hellfire. This is reiterated throughout history multiple times by prominent figures and the believe in god is the standard around the world. So from a rational risk minimizing point of view believing in God is the safer thing to do. Especially with how little religious practice Christianity requires compared to Judaism or Islam.

    But to get to your core argument: Flying Squid claimed Jesus like in the bible did not exist because it is impossible for him to have existed in this way.

    That is like saying you know for a fact Dragons never existed because there is no Dragons today. Now replace Dragon with Dinosaur and you see why this line of argumentation is problematic from a scientific methodological point of view.

    So i think we agree that what is consistent with scientific methodology and what are matters of believes need to be separated in argumentation.

  • the burden of proof lies with the one who speaks, not the one who denies) is the obligation on a party in a dispute to provide sufficient warrant for its position.

    Flying Squid said it is impossible what is described in the bible. So he or you if you take his side are the one burdened with proof. In fact the bible provides a very straightforward reasoning. Jesus was granted the power to do wonders by God so people would recognize him as a messenger of God and listen to him spreading the message of God.

    You can say you dont believe in that. But it is not a proof of it not having happened. Especially as a lot of people who lived at the time said otherwise.