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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I’m replying with a sample size of N=1 so don’t take too much from it, but I suspect it’s not the typical response (at least, not yet anyway).

    People do often seem to complain about bot accounts but I don’t know how much of those are in the space of stirring up hot topics to generate content, vs informational (or dis-informational) bot accounts posting on requests for help or explanations.

    I guess if people are seeking answers for something, having a bot feed responses to suit some kind of agenda is entirely a possibility, so I wouldn’t write it off as something that could happen. To that end, being wary of posts that look like they might be generated due to the tone/content is probably fair enough.

  • On “we as people can perceive imperial temperatures a lot better than metric,” I’d agree to disagree here - Celsius is pretty straight-forward. Temperate is temperature, it’s just about what numbers you’re assigning to which temperatures.

    0°C is when water freezes, and 100°C is when water boils. A 10°C day is cold, a 20°C day is mild, a 30°C day is hot, and a 40°C day is when you melt.

    Whatever you grew up with is probably what is going to be easiest for you to comprehend, but Celsius is no more difficult or less perceptible, just a different value range.

  • I’m an English speaking Australian learning Tagalog and - at least for me - I’ve found it difficult to locate many good resources that cover the spectrum of language learning.

    A lot of the major apps don’t offer Tagalog/Filipino courses (I’m looking at you, DuoLingo and Babbel…) and the apps that do are often just for words or simple phrases, and don’t pay much attention to telling you how to string stuff together in a meaningful way, or even talk about how things like the prefixes, infixes, and suffixes work, which is kind of essential to know.

    I’ve found the app called “Drops” to be pretty good for learning new words and after having tried a few other apps out I’d recommend it for that purpose.

    There’s also tagalog.com which offers up a bunch of info and also a personal word learning system (I think it works as a sort of spaced repetition system style learning model).

    I tried some high school workbooks which professed to “not be boring”, and unfortunately it was full of jargon-heavy language in English which was very dense and not particularly easy to understand. There are probably some good school textbooks and workbooks out there but I haven’t looked that hard on that front.

    For the rest of it, I’ve resigned to bugging my Filipino partner when I have questions or woefully attempt to string a sentence together only for it to be entirely wrong.

    If you don’t have a Filipino in your life to bother with questions, I’ve also heard a few people get on to a system called iTalki (I think this is how it’s written). From what I gather you can use it to link up to people who speak the language and learn through conversation. It’s sort of not really my vibe so I haven’t used it, but it sounds like it could be a good option if that’s your thing.

    I also listen to a bunch of Filipino music on Spotify. It’s not necessarily the best for learning words, but I find that it helps assist my hearing to better pick out words, and gives an idea of pronunciation and the like. A few places to get started if you like the sound of this option are:

    • Ben & Ben
    • IV of Spades
    • Juan Karlos
    • NOBITA
    • Moira Dela Torre
    • Arthur Nery
    • Unique Salonga
    • The Itchyworms
    • Johnoy Danao

    Best of luck, and let me know if you find any good language learning tools for Filipino/Tagalog…!

  • I have AussieBB and had to give them a call at one point to allow inbound traffic so I could expose my self-hosted server. They flicked a switch for my account and then everything came good.

    If you give them a ring and explain what you’re trying to do it should get sorted out very quickly. Their customer service staff are very knowledgeable and friendly - they’re the best RSP I’ve ever had.