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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • I mean a lot of the services that companies are using are cloud-hosted, meaning that especially if you have branch offices or a lot of remote workers a normal firewall in the datacenter introduces an unnecessary bottleneck. Putting the logical edge of your organization’s network in the cloud too makes sense from a performance perspective in that case, and then turning the actual firewalls into SaaS seems much less absurd.

  • What constitutes a terrorist organization is up to the electric officials and police organizations to define.

    That’s kind of the point, mate. In the current political climate I half expect them to start describing any organization giving humanitarian aid to Palestinians as terrorists.

    But to ask the real questions: is providing material support to terrorists not already a crime in Sweden? Does having a Swedish criminal record not complicate eg visa renewals and make it harder for someone to stay in or return to the country? Assuming that’s the case, why is this something that needs to be specially handled now? Is this actually a problem, or just a way to stoke racism and fear for political benefit?

  • These are actually two slightly different options. Mouse sensitivity is how far the cursor or camera moves based on how far the mouse moves. More sensitivity means that the camera moves more if you move the mouse the same distance.

    Mouse acceleration tracks how fast the mouse moves over that distance and extends the amount the camera or cursor moves if it moves faster or decreases it if it moves slower. In some cases this can feel more natural, but in others it can make it harder to be both fast and precise in your movements, since moving faster can make you overshoot compared to making the same movement more slowly.

  • I think the other important point to add is that evo psych in popular discourse is rarely used to explain alone. Instead it seems to always lead into the naturalistic fallacy as an explanation for why the world can’t or shouldn’t be kinder, more humane, or less authoritarian. Add on to this that the people making these arguments are usually pretty out of touch with the actual archaeological record about their supposed environment of evolutionary adaptiveness and it’s not at all surprising that whatever legitimate insights it may offer are buried under a mountain of bullshit.

  • Horses were at least marginally less ridiculous before people got involved. Not quite to the same extent as dogs, but compare a steppe horse with a thoroughbred and you’ll see that they’re smaller and hardier. Much better equipped to live, slightly less able to carry fully armored people on their back.