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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • I like this part very much:

    The term “schmidhubered” has been jokingly used in the AI community to describe Schmidhuber’s habit of publicly challenging the originality of other researchers’ work, a practice seen by some in the AI community as a “rite of passage” for young researchers. Some suggest that Schmidhuber’s significant accomplishments have been underappreciated due to his confrontational personality.

  • The judges in cases against the mafia didn’t chicken out, and those guys killed whoever they could get in their crosshairs. have at least a bit of faith in judges (outside of SCOTUS and Cannon - for obvious reasons), most of them are doing their jobs, just like the DA that got that conviction (lots of people said that he wouldn’t get a conviction with THAT case too)

  • domain based blocking systems are nice for a base level of ad removal, they do nothing if the ads are coming from the same domain. sponsorblock is nice, but it’s the work of volunteers to remove those ads - if youtubes userbase were splintered over thousands of apps it wouldn’t be feasable.

    i don’t know when i have seen just text-based ads in the last 10 years. those are an non-issue, even for me. the issues are scripts, user profiling and tracking.

    the big difference is: the browser gives webpages/apps a standardized environment where the user has the last word regarding what runs on it or not (if you are not using chromium anyway). in apps, the user doesn’t have that luxury, especially regarding tracking and profiling.

  • i join in on the PSU chorus. no bluescreen normally means power loss, so either the PSU craps out, or it doesn’t get the power. a defect of the mainboard is not completely out of the question tho.

    grab yourself the free version of HWInfo64, and check the voltages below, they should be a) stable (and i mean stable - mine do not move at all and i would be concerned if they did) and b) close to the values in the name (12v, 3.3v, 5v). since you have complete power loss, it’s probably the 12v.

    PSUs do age and lose about 10% of “maximum wattage” where they still stay in tolerance levels per year.

    e: even if the voltages seem stable and ok i would still start looking at replacing the PSU if it’s old. e2: a classic one would be loose cables tho, either Power Cable or the 12v connector to the mainboard