- Obtain VPN
- Never use tiktok as usual
Gatekeeping amputees as not counting as people with disabilities is actually the hottest take in this whole thread, and not in a good way lmao
That is the ice-coldest of takes lmao
They are planning to buy
So far so good
or maybe just electricity
Uh oh
I know what it would be illegal for me to say that she should do with that.
You’re assuming that it’s a reanimated animal
I’m assuming it’s a couple babies skeletonized and combined into a bone golem.
We are not the same.
The guy punching me clearly espouses a pacifist ideology, so calling him violent is absurd horseshoe theory nonsense.
… What the fuck
Oh shit, that sounds way more fun than casual Friday
They call me Johnny Smallatoms
According to you
That you are, whether intentionally or unintentionally, toying around with white supremacist propaganda narratives.
That’s my point.
Narratives created to influence your mind and radicalize you.
No one is immune to these influences. Beware.
People made these exact same arguments about the inclusion of a black samurai in an Assassin’s Creed game.
A black samurai who was based on a real person who actually existed in history.
The game they’re playing is very obvious to anyone who’s actually paying an ounce of attention, and it has nothing to do with caring about historical accuracy.
It’s bullshit. It’s an excuse. It’s foolish. I do not suffer it gladly.
That’s literally just a longer way of saying that it’s okay if it’s magic but it’s not okay if it’s black people.
& yeah, I’ll hold my breath for people getting equally upset about white people in fiction. Any day now. I’m sure.
I can’t disapprove a hypothetical, I guess, but a hypothetical isn’t proof of anything either.
No. Fuckin stop it. Its unbearably stupid.
Historical fiction has existed for a long time.
Y’all ain’t out here throwing a pouty parade when someone adds technology or magic or monsters into historical fiction.
But black people? Existing? If that’s where you draw the line, it’s really clear why. Make all the excuses you want.
Representation matters. Giving the few traditionally non-white roles that get written in Hollywood to white actors is an actual problem.
Getting mad about the existence of black characters in fiction fucking stupid. Really fucking stupid. Unjustifiably fucking stupid. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lol they would take every penny if they could
Daaaaamn gurl swing them big ole shit tanks!
In the same way that they don’t contain ash. The tar and ash are produced by combustion.
Chocolate, the kung fu movie about the girl with Taskmaster’s ability?
That’s a fun one, haven’t seen it in probably 15 years. I should do a rewatch.