Don’t wait for permission to create. The universe didn’t ask anyone before it started expanding, and neither should you. The moment you realize you are your own authority—your own inventor—you stop being a cog and start being the whole machine.
u/universalmonk was one, acted so surprised when I blocked and didn’t want to explain why.
Links to that? Because I’ve never seen Universal Monk act surprised when someone blocked him/her.
In fact, he/she often recommended blocking them if you didn’t agree with what they said.
All I did was ask for a link showing that UM was surprised or upset that you blocked her/him, because I’ve never seem them question that before. I always seem to remember them suggesting blocking them, not being upset by it.
I didn’t say you were incorrect; i was just asking for proof cuz I’ve never seen it. It’s not like I am super concerned about it or anything. But I don’t live on lemmy and have no investment between your feud–or whatever it is–with that person. not a big deal to me either way