Why? The 12 days of Christmas go until January 5-6 😉
Software Developer from a germanic region in south Brazil.
I may occasionally post about #software, #dotnet, #csharp, #fsharp, #politics, #theology, #christianity
Politically leaning towards #ChristianAnarchism
ora et labora
Why? The 12 days of Christmas go until January 5-6 😉
I’m from Brazil. It’s impressive how fast BYD cars have been multiplying in my city.
Even better: politics should not be a career, serve one term and that’s it.
I’m almost certain I once saw one such study, but couldn’t find it anymore, so yes, feel free to file my claim as bullshit.
What I did find was some articles about a problem called halation in which people with astigmatism or propensity for it can have the eyes dilate too much with dark mode making white-on-dark text illegible.
I’m almost certain I once saw one such study, but couldn’t find it anymore, so yes, feel free to file my claim as bullshit.
What I did find was some articles about a problem called halation in which people with astigmatism or propensity for it can have the eyes dilate too much with dark mode making white-on-dark text illegible.
Not everybody lives in their parents’ basement.
There are studies that found that dark mode can cause more eye strain, specially in bright environments.
Good it turned around, reminded me of that “if the brain was simple enough to understand, we would be too simple to understand it”.
Yes, I agree with you.
I just wanted to add that at the time “socialism” was any answer to the question “how to structure society so its members benefit the most?”
Nazism was such an answer, and it was “eliminate all who don’t contribute”.
Of course the concept of socialism later evolved and got more strict so that Nazism doesn’t count anymore.
Yes, the theory comes from the superficial observation that the actions of the nominal extremes look very similar. And when your head is being crushed by the boot of authoritarianism you don’t care if it is the right foot, or the left foot wearing it.
At one time there were many concepts of what Socialism is, and at the time nazism was A socialism, of course completely opposite of the concepts that survived.
That is the base of the horseshoe theory.
Horseshoe theory
Amazing. The one problem is that when the Bible explicitly uses “Antichrist” it is plural.
He’s for certain an Antichrist.
Traveling through my state in south Brazil, I’ve seen a billboard for a company “Hitler Trailers” (or Tows, I don’t know what’s the best translation)
Similar to abortion, while there are legitimate cases, the capitalistic system will pressure people into doing it to increase profit and power to the elites.
From what I read through the years, NT actually had design behind it, while Linux is a pile of improvised hacks roughly following an “ancient” 1970s design.
Of course that might be wrong, and I’m using Linux almost continuously on last year and it seems solid, the only annoyances being installing stuff, and things designed with 1970s mentality that forces the use of the terminal.
In my opinion, not entirely, the underlying NT kernel seems better designed than Linux.
Windows 7 was very good, later versions were turned into crap.
Some of the largest deposits of uranium in the world are in Brazil, not currently a dictatorship, but also not being mined.
Filter into a Thermos?
I will never not complain about bugs that obviously someone put in the effort to do the wrong thing when the correct would have been easier.