By “look like Jesus” I do indeed mean the popular modern western depiction of Jesus, because as far as I know, there’s no conclusive proof of a historical Jesus existing, and if he did, he was obviously not a modern European-origin American man.
As for the second point - idk, it might just be because I can’t grow a decent full beard, but after the first centimeter or 2 of facial hair, I just get told to shave because it’s not funny anymore. I also can’t imagine letting my hair grow for several years to get it as long as those guys. I thought one of the perks of being a man is that you get to be comfortable instead of spending years growing out your hair and shit lol
It’s usually bread fried with garlic mixture, so you get really hard and crunchy pieces. It can be done extremely well, or kinda meh. Usually you get the “kinda meh” variant prepackaged and superb stuff at like fairs and stuff.
I haven’t had rye and emmer sourdough, but when I acquired a starter from a friend during lockdown, I think it was a combination of rye, barley, oat and potentially regular ol’ wheat flours to make delicious bread - I don’t remember if wheat was involved, but if it was, it was in fairly small amounts. Obviously, the ratios were different each time and so was the bread.