Jesus hung out with fishermen. Also in this story one of their friends is a nun. Jesus is on their side.
It’s an excellent story and great action gameplay. It’s long, but persist and the story pays off incredibly.
This game actually has an incredibly good story.
“We didn’t listen to what people actually want and now less people are buying! It’s not our decision-making, it’s ‘generational change.’”
The sound of a horny Platypus reaching climax?
Isn’t Steam literally having a turn-based sale right now?
Anyways, I think turn-based games are less fun and more tedious. Except Field Commander on PSP. That was a lot of fun.
Most research papers are likely ad valid as an average reddit point.
Getting published is a circlejerk, and rarely are they properly tested, or does anyone actually read them.
People like sex. Most people. Your parents likely had sex to make you.
Why do people make this weird. If anything, if your parents are having great sex, you likely have a stable happy household. People should be happy for their parents if this were the case. Good for them.
Fuck Sony.
Also fuck Nintendo.
Real-life isn’t some crappy sitcom
Interesting how experiences shape us. Glad it sounds like you have mainly positives with respect to your parents.
I altered my wording. Thank you. I meant it as perspective. 10% today would equate to more than all of Europe.
Purchases are not investing. Why do people say this?
Both and a spectrum mix in-between. There are no simple answers to things.
Context doesn’t help much with Kojima.
I don’t believe this is something easily tracked and updated annually. The point is in terms of amount of population as a percentage. People in the 21st century largely have more food, shelter, and general security worldwide than in all of known human history.
Don’t let anecdotal news about wars worldwide override the fact that much larger scale (as percent of world population) have occurred and occurred consistently in past history. Wars, famines, plagues, and other things have wiped out far more of the population overall historically. While the wars you see today are horrible, and in specific regions they might be decimating, they still pale in comparison to the level of death in human history and the scope of death of past wars.
The Black Death in the 1300s itself killed 30-50% of all of Europe. Ghengis Khan is estimated to have been responsible for killing 10% of the world population (10% today would be more than the entire population of Europe, for perspective). There’s a lot of less than documented Chinese history that also suggests massive deaths from famines and plagues and stuff that seem to have amounted to a large percentage of the world population at the time.
Another thing I have seen a lot of in the last decade, mostly relating the the US, is that while large scale violent crime may be up (like mass killings) overall murder and crime is lower than it has been in past decades. Again, in a macro scope of things. You’ll always have pockets of geography and/or time that are bad.
I told her this, but she just wouldn’t try it.
They’re the reason I moved away from Playstation to PC.