As with this bio, I write a lot of my comments while riding the delta waves (weed, lots of legal weed) so take that as you will if you’re visiting, because these comments are bout to take you on a riiiiiiiddeee. Nah… but I am going deaf, so that’s my excuse for being so gotdamn long-winded. 😃

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • With the rest of the house being normal-to-very clean, it’s almost like the parents were never able to make her clean her room because she was a territorial “devil” child, and they just let it slide for years and years.

    Maybe what started as s genuine attempt at hangout ended up with her finally recognizing how embarrassing the situation was, leading to her cooling off during later chats?

    Either that or it was all an elaborate ruse to get the wild child a free room cleaning and the parents were somehow in on it and everyone except you in this story is actually nuts!

    Quite the spectrum of possibility, really. But honestly, I have a feeling your help might have helped her grow up and out of her family’s (or her own) neglect. It was a kind thing you did, regardless of the weird-ass circumstances!

  • Alternative Protein … because sourcing your nutrients somewhat humanely from a farmed food animal is WOKE PROPAGANDA

    She looks like she subsists on a diet made purely of literal crickets and collagen injections anyway. Gives her that hollow, sinewy vibe she likes so much. And with all that lean protein just sitting there, why would she not give the freshly slaughtered Cricket a little nibble? Waste not, want not after all. Now that is the conservative way, Kristi!

    [I hate that I wrote this out and that I’m supposedly her constituent.]

  • Holy sheeps, I’m not the only one?! I know I need to get my butt off Windows, but oh my lordie, the slowness of typing feedback gets so bad on Word or Mail that it literally sometimes refuses to graphically acknowledge an entire short word, leaving the screen void of the word I know I just typed, until I backspace one measly letter and the word (minus the letter) finally shows up.

    It is absolutely, unironically infuriating.

  • catbum@lemmy.worldtoHumor@lemmy.worldKen M on love-making
    2 months ago

    They’re talking about how religions like Christianity make sex a “shameful” act that should never be enjoyed outside of anything but institutional marriage, even though it’s completely natural to desire consensual sex for myriad reasons.

    The fact that humans can recognize the biological motivations of sexuality and its various purposes (pleasure, connection, procreation) doesn’t make sex stupid, silly, or somehow undignified. Religious institutions try hard to make anything sexual a sin in order to shame adherents into not having sex because “only God can grant you that joy and only within marriage, anything else sends you straight to hell.”

  • catbum@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldThat’d be great
    2 months ago

    Maybe she could spin that, too? Like she’s a bad girl, “Muy 'Mala” or something. That probably has too much of a sexist bent to it (in taken like she needs to be punished, she could probably spin that back at Trump again too, in that he needs to be punished), and probably too “sexy” in some of the more positive associations (romantically “baaaad”).

    But overall, it could capture an audience who appreciates the inclusion of simple and understandable bits of a language a huge facet of American people speak on the daily. I don’t know, like friendly bits of inclusion flying back in the face of grotesque, obtuse exclusion?

    Edit: I am partaking a bit and my high ass thinks I should frame this. Like the next pillar in the Character Counts set or something. OMG does anyone remember Character Counts?? Fairness and responsibility first come to mind.

  • I had just opened my Max app for some Saturday night distraction when I saw CNN Newsroom suggested front and center, with the description “…the rally where President Trump was injured.”

    This is terrifying on so many levels. At this point, it doesn’t matter who wins the election; the stage is completely set for violence come November.

    I haven’t found any active comment threads on this yet, and I don’t even want to entertain the inevitable conspiracy theories and possible acts of retribution that will rise after this attempt, so I’ll leave it at this: I would be utterly shocked if “Donnie Van Gogh” memes don’t exist yet.