Even the ones with hoops instead of hooks can be removed (in my experience, anyway). Super awkward otherwise.
Even the ones with hoops instead of hooks can be removed (in my experience, anyway). Super awkward otherwise.
Five as well. A bunch recently cleared out for no explicable reasons (other than seeders mysteriously showed up).
I recently turned to piracy after being a dedicated ‘churner’ keeping only on service a month. So I have a lot of catching up to do. Five miscellaneous things hanging out in the queue is no problem.
His announcement followed a controversial social media post by Donald Trump Jr., blaming donations to Ukraine for LA’s fire challenges.
How ‘bout we tax the shit out of the billionaire class and pay for both.
When I lived in Qatar I was told it was against (some interpretations of) the Muslim faith to dye your hair it’s natural color because it was a sign of vanity so when men went grey they would typically dye their beards and sometimes hair orange.
I never verified this and I’m not an expert but it’s what I was told so take this with a ChatGPT size grain of salt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don’t think that’s what’s meant. It’s not that he set out to do a thing and achieved it; it’s that he set out to do what a child dreamed of but now he’s a grown man.
What kinda altitude are we talking about here?
Ten bucks for ten fuckering lights!?
They are well oiled though…
“it just works”
The “Sh” is silent…
I only speak one language fluently and one language extremely poorly.
The number of times I’ve been able to come up with the word I want in my second language and completely blanked on it in my native language baffles my mind.
“Sucks” is generous. Maybe it’s passable on desktop?
Also there are apps without ads.
In fact I didn’t know there were apps with ads before this post.
“I should’ve…”
What a fuckup. They just gave him the keys to the country?
Survivor 🫣
You mean broadcast TV? Yes.
But TV is just another part of the internet now.
I still watch scripted, episodic, video content and get my news, local; national; and world, from the internet.
“All gave some; some gave all”
“You can consolidate wealth or consolidate respect, but not both”
— @ccunning@lemmy.world (just now)
Wow - I hope you got her permission before posting photos of her box on the internet…
Tax the fuck out of the billionaire class