we used to use X-rays to fit your shoes, so very probable
nothing says safety like a Sony rootkit
aimed at beginners who confuse “hasn’t been updated for a year” with “hasn’t needed to be updated for a year”
once you have some experience under your belt, these are non-issues:
curl | sudo sh
)BSD community seems to like snac2
Shantanu Narayen’s still not giving you a free license
cell phone providers can, they just won’t (would eat into their profits)
and most of the home internet sold as “unlimited” was a scam – if you started to get too close to some hidden value, they would start throttling your connection
“Itty Bitty Baby Hands and the Skipping Dipshit”
even if you’re in a “legal region” you still have to use a third-party website or app to find out which service has that episode of that season of that show because no service can be bothered to carry a complete show
considering how much Finland loves rally racing …
took me a LONG time to recover from high school cafeteria’s Friday tuna casseroles (complete with canned peas)
Elon decided Microsoft’s Tay chatbot was a guidebook …
only for the low! low! price of a PhD in Hegelian philosophy
how many musicians sending in cease-and-desist letters again?