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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • don’t suffer any problems from it, and don’t do anyone any harm.

    This right here is called denile. Nobody rocking some form of white powder is doing so without causing harm somewhere. Sure, maybe that’s the case because they are just getting started and their frequency of usage has yet to become problematic, but given time, the white powders will take over. As well, there are a ton of people who just enjoy drugs will swear up and down that they are in control and don’t have a problem, so again, denile.

    I’m pro decriminalization because it reduces harm but your comment is pure ignorance.

    EDIT Just to clarify, my comment is not aimed at weed

    EDIT 2 add shrooms to the not so harmful list

    EDIT 3 I find it ironic that someone else posted this today: https://lemmy.world/post/7421035