I hear they are very nutricious 🤔… Everything is so expensive now. So… Endless food source? Shittylpt?
I hear they are very nutricious 🤔… Everything is so expensive now. So… Endless food source? Shittylpt?
Bet your lots of fun at parties , 😉.
53% of gamers are over 30. 😂 (This includes me almost 40 😭
Also I think more accurately to me I prefer games where single play can stand on its own. The game just happens to also have multiplayer features w/o half the game being locked out with micro transactions.
Some people are just not built to digest fruits and vegetables.
It’s okay not everyone is strong enough.
So… keep in mind I stumbled on this.
Free-range eggs in grocery stores are painted/dyed.
Whatever the grocers are advertising regarding chicken conditions have been a lie… It’s just there to make sure they keep selling it and for more. Unsure how to legitimately check which ones aren’t simply marketing make-up
This is 2024. What valuables? 😂
What the burglar gonna do, take over my rent and loans? 😂
99% of phone calls is typically a capitalistic company forcing employees to sell us something.
So yes… I’m not gonna pick up. Leave a voicemail 👍
Fair enough. Basically what others have suggested in this thread. Flex time, lunch hours, swap shifts with a co-worker.
I’ve had the opportunity with an old job to work 4-days a week before and I wish this was the norm. 4x10 days should be the standard.
The shop workers.
They are there from 8am-6pm.
Everything closes at 5pm
They will never be able to go to anyone else’s shop.
(We forget about the people that work there have it worse than we do and they seem to figure it out just fine)
Looks like this truck as not seen a day of work in its life. No… That’s not a compliment.
I went to a BBQ joint here in Texas a week ago. Got 3/4 lb of brisket and some potato salad for the missus and me.
To my surprise… It costed the same thing as 2 menu items at McDonald’s. Like seriously?..
What’s the point of going to subway and McDonald’s if I can just get some BBQ at a restaurant.
(Didn’t name the restaurant since I’m concerned this will make them realize they can charge more)
Just thinking out loud…
As a surrendered Russian soldier…
Would you want to be returned to your home country? Would you be safe from your military political leaders?
Agreed. I need intelligence defined by OP since it means different things to different people.
Ex: you can be emotionally intelligent but as dumb as a billboard
Or super smart but emotionally cannot pick up on any emotions or physical needs.
Both of these are bad.
I mean if it’s for mostly utility and work I’ll give this a pass.
Also most of the time the a-holes take 2 width worth of parking spaces. Rarely I see 2 parking space long.
When I used to have a beetle I used to park behind super long trucks at major events when there was no parking spaces left… So… win win.
Lose/lose situation here unfortunately.
Basically he threw a fit. It worked.
It affected something that it should not have.
I get slave labor… It seems usa companies did not care until it started hurting their bottom line.
One day I called a co-worker weird. Simply cus the dude was acting odd.
A whole thing broke out where he was extremely insulted at the remark and wanted to never talk to me again until I went farther than I should have to apologize.
Thinking about it till this day… Dude that’s just fucking weird.
Ummm to clarify so is mom…
Help me understand what your definition of neglect is.