If you have to tell anyone to contact an embassy, then they shouldn’t be traveling. However, if this is important business related travel, I am truly sorry they are facing such a situation.
If you have to tell anyone to contact an embassy, then they shouldn’t be traveling. However, if this is important business related travel, I am truly sorry they are facing such a situation.
Definitely gonna try the hasperat, bloodwine and Orion hurricane. Seriously, no gagh? The Andorian and Romulan ale sound the same. Not interested in a cocktail tea. Also, a plomeek tea but not a soup?
Some odd choices. If the Chateau Picard is the same wine Star Trek Wines makes, then I’ve had it. However, if that is the case then I’d expect the bloodwine to be from Star Trek Wines, which I haven’t had.
FYI: the three Chateau Picard bottles are the same. I asked a vender at STLV. Just a different bottle.
My own meme and it applies here.
Just giving me ideas of how to drink beverages at STLV.
Got tetanus updated. Apparently that was recommended on my last medical checkup.
So I guess you don’t mind having to bury it if it catches fire, because they reach insane temperatures. Or the fact that raccoons think they are dumpsters.
Are all eggplants?
Are we just gonna forget about avocado too?
Have you all read 1984? First they will make thing illegal. Then they will hide away what is illegal. After that someone will learn something was illegal. Once they are found out, that illegal thing will be completely changed so there is no evidence anything was illegal to begin with.
I would not be shocked if try to scrub these bans so users can’t see if a community was banned.
Obviously I don’t mean them.
We’ve been saying this in the U.S. since 2016.
Yes, no one has actually seen these numbers before.
EDIT: Trump continues to demonstrate that he either doesn’t understand how numbers work or refuses to accept what the numbers represent. How the fuck is there more than 100%? I’m going to comment on this based on the cropped quote, not having read anything else. You can’t have more than 100%. That would mean the crossings at the boarder completely stopped and in addition to that there are people who decided to give up their citizenship or residency status and leave the country. That just isn’t how numbers work.
Or he is just lying completely or refuses to know what is actually happening.
cough Pike has to go back to Talos IV cough
If you are still on Reddit, that is pathetic. The API pricing was the reason to leave.
Well the most anyone can assume is that characters original to SNW will be removed in some fashion by the time the series ends.
If I remember correctly, Cloudflare openly defended hosting a well known Neo-Nazi forum.
I can’t blame them. I wouldn’t want to be an ally with the U.S. either.
I just want to stop seeing a storm of them when I am on a road. I can’t seem to drive anywhere without seeing approximately 10 within a single hour.
I took one college course and couldn’t handle it. On top of that I was the weird student that wanted to use a Mac instead of the school’s own computers. So anytime I had a problem, the teacher would just blame me using Xcode instead of Visual Studio.