Reminds of Far Side - by Gary Larson -
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
Reminds of Far Side - by Gary Larson -
Doctor: HEY! … I know what to do! … Let’s make a website and ask the public what we should call this disease! We’ll get a sponsor and turn it into a fundraiser and awareness campaign. We’ll get everyone to vote on it and the one with the most votes will have the disease be called that name. What could go wrong!
If you live in a first world country with drive supports, take your time and research the benefits and services you would get if you were laid off or fired.
If you’re in a situation where you don’t have access to anything and you can weather a few weeks or months not making any money … just get out now because it won’t make any difference if you do it later. The longer you wait, the more you’ll be taken advantage of and the less you’ll want to move.
More like … a permanent watermark in your vision whether you are awake or asleep for ‘’ … or you have to pay $9.99 a month to remove it.
Especially this time of year when people are panicking for whatever reason, people are travelling, people are coming and going, people are buying laptops, devices and phones and the majority of them don’t know how digital files or folders even work (or where they are in a digital system).
If you know anything about computers … just pretend you don’t know anything like everyone else. It will save you so much work and headaches this time of year.
And don’t get soft either … cute girl asking for help? NO … old grandma has a new laptop? NO … your dying relative has a new phone? NO! … your two year old niece has a new tablet? NO! … your drug dealer wants to lower your debt in exchange for fixing their PC? HELL NO!!!
Lol … I thought you comment said “Texas”
I think many of these asteroids are caused by an intergalactic alien game of ‘Road Bowling’ and aliens just drunkenly throwing asteroids as far as they can while having a laugh at the local bar.
lol … if AI is wrong … we’ll make it right
Accidently buy 200 guitars that can only play KoЯn
More like …
Beautiful … Irish invent whiskey and get rip roaring drunk for 300 years before they figure out what kind of social activity they can do while being drunk … “HEY SHAMUS!!! let’s see how far you can roll that ball!!!”
Anything with grilled onions is good for me … hell just grilled onions alone is enough for me
Beautiful work!
Wealth will always be a barrier for a child to grow up in a decent home environment. A minimum amount of wealth is required from the parents in order to feed the child proper nutrition for the first ten years of their lives. If they don’t have that good early start, it won’t matter how smart they are, the individual won’t progress very far and definitely not to their full potential.
I’m Indigenous in Canada and I basically grew up poor, my parents were hunters and trappers that were born and raised in the wilderness. I honestly believe that nutrition at an early age is basically what saved me. We were never wealthy so we could never afford store bought food but my parents were skilled hunters and trappers so we had more than enough wild meat all the time. I grew up eating moose, goose, caribou, beaver, a variety of fish and smaller animals. Mom also gave us a steady diet of oatmeal every single morning when we were kids. We seldom had much sugar or processed foods because we couldn’t afford it.
I did pretty good in school and I might have even been able to move up to post secondary but we could never afford it. I had the grades but not the wealth or mobility.
I compare my life to those I grew up with. A few of my cousins were like me and they were bright people but the majority of everyone else didn’t have parents like mine and they suffered through school and didn’t gain much of an education. They didn’t have the same upbringing or parents as mine and they didn’t do as well … even though we all lived in the same circumstances.
So like I said … generational wealth will always be the first barrier that an individual has to break in order to make it in this world.
There is a lot of freedom and opportunity in the US and Canada (where I’m from) but as the saying goes … “It’s a free country … as long as you can afford it”
Unfortunately, wealth determines your place in the military as well. If you come from a well to do family, chances are you will be able, capable and have the connections and ability to rank up and even find a good position in the organization and have lots of opportunities.
Otherwise, if you come from nothing, you’ll start off as canon fodder and maybe, just maybe, you might be able to afford a house some day.
Always in these kind of scenarios, everyone always ignores the first primary step
Have wealthy parents or wealthy enough parents who can raise you from birth with a decent amount of care and upbringing in a quiet peaceful home full of nurturing, love, education and emotional support. This includes a basic or better than most nutrition from the time of birth to adulthood.
If you don’t have a good place to start … good luck trying to get anywhere above the level of a janitor working for a space agency.
It’s like the discussion of building bear proof garbage containers - the problem for designers is that there is a significant overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans.
Is it that AI is just dumb and not that good? … or are we all just so collectively stupid that it doesn’t take much to affect how we think and see the world.
AI might not to be so far advanced as we would like to see … and at the same time, I think we are realizing that collectively, we are overestimating the amount of AI that is needed to affect our absolutely stupid civilization.
Rich people don’t want people to die … they want poor to stay alive and live as their obedient slaves that serve them.