Watching my friends suffer through the early access has been quite amusing.
Watching my friends suffer through the early access has been quite amusing.
Movies nobody asked for.
Not when you are a developer trying to write code for a critical part of the system. Sucking it up isn’t going to make it magically happen and it will be a mess.
I’m sorry. My brain is slow today and this needs to be done while I am fresh. We can go over it tomorrow.
I am too burnt out today.
I can’t focus on that right now.
I am not functional enough for that.
I don’t even make shit up and I am done with corpo speak. If they can’t accept that, then they can get over it. We can discuss this like humans. If I can get you started, great, but if you want this done right, you will wait.
Couldn’t think of the word, but not a “talk” therapist. Behavioral or cognitive therapist. Basically, they fill in the gap that medication doesn’t and can reduce your dependence on medication later in life. They give you strategies on how to handle the emotional dis-regulation, motivation issues, lack of dopamine, etc. You don’t need to be in “rough” shape, or have a really bad case, or anything like that. Medication only helps so much, so getting those strategies in early can make a big difference. Even as an adult it can help and may be something you want to pursue yourself. Half the battle is understanding what behaviors you exhibit is due to ADHD.
I wish I had been diagnosed early in life and got the help I needed, but with the stigma, poor family, and lack of healthcare, I never had a chance. I missed the part where they are a teenager. Please don’t assume they are fine because everything looks good on paper, so to speak. Best thing is to present the option and continue to support them and yourself.
I hope you don’t take any of this as me saying you are a bad parent or anything like that. I don’t mean it that way. I am really passionate about it and a lot of the stigmas against medication has done a lot more harm than good.
Seriously. Get them meds and a proper therapist ASAP who has a clue about ADHD. While their brain is still plastic you can train it early with the hope of having a future where coping mechanisms are already there and potentially reducing or getting off their meds entirely. Once you are an adult, it is over. Opportunity lost and time to learn the hard way.
Biggest thing I had to learn is when to withdraw from a class, ask the professor for more time very far in advance, and accept that you sometimes fail and need to retake it.
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I gave up on TP-Link. I will never purchase any consumer router from them again. Little to no updates, connection issues that were made worse with an update, features REMOVED with an update, settings wouldn’t always stick, which results in a factory reset to get it to do anything. WPA3 just doesn’t work. It even would “mysteriously” turn it’s DHCP server back on, no matter how many times I turned it off, when it was in AP mode. Friend had the same model and most of the same issues.
I have had better luck with the other brands, but I feel like most of them suck or cost way more than they should.
Ok. Explain the Lubbock joke. I grew up in Odessa, but Lubbock had Orlandos with their delicious rum cake and the science museum. That was really the only reason for me to go over there and deal with driving through fucking Andrews County with all the drunks on the road. The only thing I miss from Texas is the food and sky.
I think they mean the iPhone. I love my MPB, but I still have no interest in iPhones due to lack of filesystem access, interface for the deranged, and not being able to customize it the way I want.
Dude whacked a CEO responsible for the pain, suffering, and even deaths of millions of people, all for the sake of profit. Plenty of Americans go bankrupt, suffer, or die if they have a medical issue. Healthcare is expensive and insurance companies get to dictate what medical care you receive and will do anything to not have to pay out without having to spend hours on the phone fighting for basic human decency. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to feel bad about having one less monster in the world.
My hope is for the “status quo” to finally be disrupted enough to make a difference. Problem is Americans, and probably a good chunk of the human race, have the attention span of gerbils. Usually a week or two goes by and unless if the Media is continuing to ram it down our throats we move on to the next dopamine hit on TikTok. I might be bitter. I might be really bitter.
Ouch. There is a big medical school here and there is a decent amount of medical offices in the area. I can walk down the road in the morning for standard blood work and view my test results on my phone by the afternoon. Specialists can still be months of waiting though.
Like others, USB-PD is amazing. My monitor has 90W which is plenty for my laptops. Gaming laptop, not so much. The only device I have that isn’t USBC/Thunderbolt is the damn mouse. I rarely ever need a USB A port for anything other than charging. Even my flash drives are all USBC.
I have been able to use 1 charger for almost everything for several years now. Sometimes I have a finicky device that doesn’t like the high wattage PD chargers and will only trickle charge, but work fine with my other smaller charger. The GaN chargers are nice and compact. I break USBC cables a lot less often, but that is because I am a walking disaster most of the time. I would break micro USB cables constantly, or rip the ports to pieces.
One note though on USBC ports on a monitor. Beware using the really really stiff cables on ports that are positioned where the cable would be parallel to the table instead of the port pointing down. That port will definitely wear out or break entirely from the constant downward force and lack of support of the cable in the port. This is especially true if you use a monitor arm and the cable gets moved. Seen this on both Samsung and LG. My Dell points downward. I really like the pro PS5 controllers as it comes with a little cage that holds the USBC cable in place and protects the port from exactly that scenario. These monitors absolutely need something like that, especially with how expensive they are.
I hate that! Especially when it was the correct version and then magically one day it is some other one. One time it played that awful pop version of Professional Widow by Tori Amos and that was very upsetting until I found the normal version that sounds awesome.
I saw that thumbnail of the table and immediately knew what channel it was.
Fuck. I am so sorry. Being that age and having to take care of everything is just rough. All the death certificates, cancelling services, funeral, house, car, and a million other details while you are still coming to terms that they are just gone. I just sort of went on autopilot and then spent the next 2 years a total complete mess. I am 37 now and it still fucking hurts.
The one dumb thing that helped me grieve was to just talk to him. I used to call my dad everyday on my 25 minute drive home to work. So, I would pretend he was in the car with me and I would just talk to him.
All I can say is cherish the few mementos you really care about and don’t drive yourself insane on trying to hold on to every item they owned. Scan pictures. Get help and talk to someone. Get someone removed from the situation to help you clean things out. I paid a random handyman a friend had around a couple hundred dollars to just take care of the parts I couldn’t handle (dead body things…) and donated a bunch of items that flat out had no value to me.
Oh good! I didn’t need it anyway.
Those feels. I lost my remaining parent at 24 and I will never forget the smell of the house. In that one moment it no longer smelled like home. It was just a house.
I deal with this constantly. Profilers are your friend. I keep begging my team to use the database dumps from production to test with, but nope. Don’t feel bad about messing up though. The amount of fuck ups I deal with in prod is exasperating. At least most of the things I break is a quick 5 minute fix and not weeks of rework.
The hardest thing I have explaining to the team is the concept of time. Once you have done controls programming and get to witness how much happens in 50-100ms, it sinks in. Your thing takes 500ms? 1 second? They think this is acceptable on something that is dealing with less than 100 database records. 😭