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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Cause selling new games is more profitable.

    If a new games costs €60 and older games €5 or less (which would be a lot less on streaming services), they’d have to sell at least 12 old games for every new game they sell less cause of this change. And if gamers spend more time on older games, it’s highly possible that they’d buy, even just a single game, less.

    It’s the same with movies or TV. They would only loose money if they make the whole archive available as there is just so much of it that some of the new things could become irrelevant.

    Not that I’m against archiving, but it is caused by the creative sector having to have to make money, which isn’t easy for smaller players, and greed.

  • If they need permission for third party cookies and those are now no longer possible, the popups can go already.

    And if a site doesn’t want to serve people that do not accept data hoarding, an account with terms and conditions is the only logical way to go.

    Belgium forced facebook to not track users without an account and they reacted by doing this exact thing (requiring an account to even read pages). It made it a lot easier for me to not having to deal with Facebook at all. If some store or organization only had the info on Facebook, I’ll just tell them I can’t access it 🤷‍♂️

  • This is unthinkable in the EU. If a company isn’t sure about the needed force, they need to hire temps.

    If you don’t have a technical or economical reason, you are not even allowed to lay off an employee.

    And you have to give notice for a period, which is proportional to the time you worked for the company, or you have to pay this fully as severance and this can be more than a year.

    Protected employees (voted as union representatives) are even harder to fire.

    This does come with the downside that some, almost not productive, colleagues never get fired. But I guess it beats the alternative of having almost no protection.

  • That is true. I do think we should retire pure ICE cars as soon as possible. If you need to do long distances, a hybrid that could be converted might be a good intermediate solution. If you only need a car sporadically, a car sharing platform with electric cars is a good solution. These already exist in big eu cities. Ofc good and adorable public transport is nr 1.

    Decreasing the amount of cars would decrease emissions short and long term more than the current shift to EV and would make shifting easier as there are just fewer to replace.