Oh dear… I’m sorry about what happened to you.
What does that mean with your dad’s connections? Did he intentionally do it, or was he forced to do it? Is he a pedophile himself?
Oh dear… I’m sorry about what happened to you.
What does that mean with your dad’s connections? Did he intentionally do it, or was he forced to do it? Is he a pedophile himself?
My take: Dictator Orange Shit fears getting his mozcow “piss” videos exposed as they show him interacting with minors/underaged. The pissing would be negligible - the CP would get him divorced and internationally ostracised, and that’s the one thing he can’t wiggle his ass out.
Wouldn’t necessarily stop the factory running.
Sorry but the wolves will be released on the factory floor.
That’s a lot of drones for one azzhole.
Better safe than sorry.
They aren’t semt to seize territory - the ruzzki fascists spare their own ammunition and leave it up to Ukrainian soldiers to eliminate the useless wounded.
Ruzzia should be sealed at its borders and never be allowed to leave their shit hole. Ever.
They still have personnel at those installations?
Are there special incendiary drones that cause such fires, or is a normal explosion enough to ignite wood and whatnot?
AIDS mostly killed gay men.
Nice drop. And it obviously didn’t hit a theatre with hundreds of civilians in the basement… So stop complaining, assholes, and piss off.
And on may parade in mozcow please do a flyby with several drones. No explosions, no bombing, just low flyby and some wing waving. And then take a picture of the Führers face.
That video clip would bomb on the internet like no other before.
Feels like an important cable was cut? Wanna cry a bit?
Well, that’s ruzzian.
The [Combat] tag was determined to be the warning in this sub.
Don’t open posts with this tag. War is bloody.
Don’t throw glasses in a stone house.
lack evidence to add a worthy perspective
That’s exactly the point. “Conservative” most of the time means rollback to segregation and discrimination whereas the only chance of humanity lies within compassion and cooperation.
The company that produces this tank will use this video.
It’s a meat wave. Why make it more complex than that?
Those guys are dead the moment they sign up for orcship. Their overlord will make sure they don’t survive.
Are you ok, op? Your post sounds very weird.