What Apex needed a long time ago was more “fix it”, less “milk it”. Unfortunately what this individual means is “we need even more ways to milk it”.
It’s all dust powder anyway.
What Apex needed a long time ago was more “fix it”, less “milk it”. Unfortunately what this individual means is “we need even more ways to milk it”.
It’s all dust powder anyway.
Ffs, one gander from afar at Sony is all it takes to understand the stupidity of pursuing live service games at all costs. But these people can’t even be bothered to do that.
“Learn from the industry, you say? Nah, I R Smartz! Me know better than to follow established facts. Share value goes brr!”
Scroll down or search in page for SafetyCore. https://9to5google.com/2024/11/25/november-2024-google-system-updates/
Sort of an announcement: https://9to5google.com/2024/10/22/google-messages-sensitive-content-warnings/
I’m not the chimp type. As such, I am lacking.
Your brain be wildin’. I suggest seeking professional help if it ever happens a second time in a short period of time. Small chance it might be an early symptom of a stroke or dementia.
Message brought to you courtesy of WebMD. It’s cancer! 👍
It might be. After enough time passes, i forget where the memory comes from and only tidbits of information remain.
Hippos. They hate almost everything, but sometimes some of them hate each other more.
Some spiders tend to eat their partners, just because they’re murderous, not hungry.
Different types of snakes tend to be quite racist and can’t stand one another.
Koalas. They can be very aggressive about their leaves and will try to kick each other off trees.
Some sharks just don’t give a shit on what they bite. Maybe because they’re mostly blind.
Kangaroos will drown you, your kids, your pets and other kangaroos. Because fuck this, fuck that and fuck you. Kangaroos are psychos. Don’t mess with them.
PS: Some of these examples might have specific circumstances or are plainly wrong. It happens.
On another other extreme, try using their water bucket and wash the soles of your shoes.
Can’t dirty the floor if your feet are clean!
I hear Heroes of Newerth is having a remake being done?
I got caught by Neverwinter and Star Trek Online. Money-sucking leeches that they are, I still do the f2p grind…
I recommend staying away from f2p live service games. They’re evil.
As many as I feel like.
Bureaucracy is a nightmare. There’s national laws, local laws, technical laws, practical laws, petty laws, incompetent laws, minority laws, old laws nobody bothered to get rid of, potential laws for possible situations that might happen at some point in an imaginary future… and so on.
Basically, it depends on who writes the law and why. All laws are subjective to humans, by humans and against anything that annoys the specific humans in charge at any given point in time.
That’s not as reliable as you’d might think.
King’s Bounty 2 is on a near permanent 90% sale and the owning company considers it completely done… and forgotten.
Or there’s some weird eternally Early Access games always on a 96% sale, but they’ve been in an abandoned state for years.
See, the problem is that a Marxist and an anarchist stuck around a liberal and a fascist. Not only that, they spent all that time doing nothing, even though there was a gun in the room and two bullets. Looks to me like the Marxist and the anarchist were kinda dumb.
There’s a VP that could give it a good tumble, if you don’t mind it getting stained.
Great speech, really, but why aren’t you getting it? It’s not about you or me or the commenter i started the chain with. This was their comment:
… do people actually do that? As in, is strong jealousy really a thing?
I’d like to believe that each of us builds their life into the exact thing they need, so swapping places with anyone else would be terribly uncomfortable. So I can’t relate as to why anyone would ever be jealous i guess haha
Are you and all the people up voting that comment really unable to grasp that there are people who actually do that? That strong jealousy really is a thing?
You kept deviating with your own sad stories, hope and self-control and get out from the bad environment.
But this is about them, the people that get left behind, that don’t crawl out and escape, that don’t get to build their lives into the exact thing they need. So that swapping places with literally anyone else would be fucking awesome to them.
That’s why I said you’re sitting on a high horse, you can’t seem to relate to them.
God job on making it out though. Though they might have moments of jealousy, I’m sure most of the people that couldn’t do the same are proud and thankful you can be an example to them. (Not sarcasm, if you’re interpreting that way. You only saw those earlier examples and seemed deadset on them being the only kind there is.)
Other post on topic had comment on new shipping lanes near Arctic thawing and already being used by Chinese ships illegally and the rich fucks want control.
You don’t seem to understand. There is no country on this planet that doesn’t have at least one abnormal living environment within. And the people living in such types of environment don’t have the luxury of entertaining your kind of psychological snobbism/elitism.
You talk of ideals, not reality. From the role of an observer, not a participant. Your advice is superficial nonsense from a position of safety and comfort.
I mean, what planet have you been living on until now?
An average person doesn’t mechanically compartmentalize emotions and puts them aside because they aren’t “productive solutions”.
It’s good for you that you’ve managed this kind of selfcontrol in order to improve your life. But that’s because you’ve numbed down the things that do you harm.
A person that isn’t depressed doesn’t have that kind of ‘benefit’. Emotions run freely and wild without fear. And cause all kinds of trouble.
Lovers being jealous of outside attention to the point of madness.
Siblings being jealous of biased parental love to end up estranged.
Children in patched up clothes on the streets begging or on the fields working - being jealous of children dressed in brand new school uniforms and going to school together.
Any person in a hospital bed with a terminal illness watching through the window the world living a life they can’t have.
And so many other examples…
Productive solutions don’t mean shit when it comes to strong emotions and jealousy can be very strong at times. Strong enough to murder even. I mean forget about the world-ending news regurgitation, at the local level where the average person lives, jealousy is high up in ranking as a reason for commiting crimes.
I keep forgetting its name.