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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • My concern twofold

    A: Without evidence I have a hard time seeing planting bombs in devices was solely targeted at fighters. Odds are an entire shipment was targeted and many people who weren’t Hezbollah received bombs

    B: Blowing up devices that were by definition carried everywhere certainly killed families and associates who didn’t deserve to die.

    During the Iraqi war we considered Iraqi leadership targets and I wouldn’t have been surprised if they considered our leadership targets as well. If they had in fact only killed Hezbollah I would have no problem with the attack.

  • Reports of its death are GREATLY exaggerated. I would suggest continuing to simply use firefox and disable any future crap you don’t prefer.

    That said librewolf which is intended to be firefox with stronger privacy settings by default that said

    • Default settings break more websites
    • You have to get extensions manually from for instance github because it doesn’t use mozillas addon (it can probably be enabled)
    • It doesn’t use the built in password manager which is in fact privacy preserving so you have to enable it or use something else
    • you don’t get syncing via firefox sync which is in fact already privacy preserving so you have to enable it if you want it
    • It doesn’t remember cookies without manually adding an exception to each site this is extremely obnoxious. I’m sure its configurable though

    At this time it is far easier to disable the few things that may be undesired from firefox vs turning librewolf into an acceptable option.

  • Mao was responsible for the deaths of 30-50M in famine. Estimates of Stalins score from famine, execution, forced relocation, labor camps is more difficult to ascertain. Estimates range from 3 -20M. Whether you disagree with this estimate it is incredibly likely that the prior poster was referencing the 33M–70M who died in intolerable conditions not the nazis.

    The fact that you justify the state getting in the systemic murder business for any cause is a fundamental difference between our understanding of what can ever be morally acceptable.

  • Your portrayal of them just being made into regular peasants seems to me viewing the whole affair with more than rose colored glasses.


    All kulaks were assigned to one of three categories:[4]
    Those to be shot or imprisoned as decided by the local secret political police. Those to be sent to Siberia, the North, the Urals, or Kazakhstan, after confiscation of their property. Those to be evicted from their houses and used in labour colonies within their own districts.

    By most people’s reckoning in most of planet earth they stole the lawfully earned property of kulaks and either murdered them or otherwise destroyed their lives. Treating them worse than most developed nations treat burglars and thieves.

    If someone shot your grandpa and your uncle, send half your people to Siberia to die out there, and sent the other half to prison locally of course you would flee with whatever you could carry and of course you would at that point be an enemy of the regime that destroyed your life.

    So if the original commenter’s great grandparents were kulaks who “suffered at the hands of the soviet union,” they deserved it.

    I don’t understand your justification for what is ultimately pretty horrific treatment foisted on people ultimately just participating lawfully in society up until that point.

  • Ukraine has been super militarized with anti-Russian sentiments rising since they illegally stole a part of their country in 2014 and started providing money, arms, vehicles, and soldiers to separatists premised on said separatists murdering their fellow citizens and providing a thin pretext for Russia ultimately taking more of Ukraine.

    Given the profoundly destructive nature of any such conflict with Russia and the impossibility of winning or even surviving without a coalition of supporters there is zero chance of Ukraine ever starting a conflict with Russia itself.

    Given the risk of nuclear war and the impossibility of pushing Ukraine to start such a conflict there was never any chance of NATO either starting such a conflict OR being able to start one by proxy.

    It’s hard to argue that Russia had security concerns when the only person in a position to light this candle is themselves.

    NATO was virtually entirely a mutual defense pact vs Russia in their previous incarnation as the USSR. Inducting Russia into NATO would only serve to give them veto power and influence on an org which virtually exists to defend against THEM! It makes no coherent sense nor would it somehow provide the Russians some share of “super profits” it would solely give them an opportunity to undermine NATO which is why Putin wanted it.

    The material basis for stealing the Ukrainians country from them and murdering its children is that by doing so they gain access to tax payers, resources, people, strategic resources, land, fossil fuels etc. Based on what we know about their strategic planning we have every reason to believe they thought this would be an inexpensive and quick affair that would be concluded in a matter of days with minimal loss of life.

    It is purely a function of avarice, stupidity, and immorality. It is no more complicated than asking why a burglar invaded a home and took the lives of people there when he just ended up leaving bloody himself. They did it because they thought it would profit them and because they thought they could get away with it.