Cool! I wish there were, and hope there will be, more like you.
Cool! I wish there were, and hope there will be, more like you.
I cannot wait to cut off the testicles of a 3.000lb raging bull as it tries to kick my head in.
I just dont get why you have to assume that though?
Maybe I’m a pessimist, but I’ve met and worked with enough humans that I think the best assumtion is that they’re all full of shit until they prove otherwise.
It’s fine to rely on experts for some things, but if those experts aren’t subject to independent scrutiny or directly independent of the claim or sunjecy under test, or can’t give clear testable /replicable evidence, I’d just not put much weight on their testimony as a source of evidence.
SQL is not web-scale
I hope the screenshot dude is also going to stop this unquestioning belief in the things people say or claim without evidence.
Those first two paragraphs look like a tendency to prefer hero-worship to critical thought; that seems to be a fairly widespread problem in humans from long before this latest batch of demagogues.
There’s also a hint of “I’m not an ‘expert’ in it so I can’t (be bothered) to understand anything about it” also a very depressingly common attitude.
Science requires systematic observation, measurement and usually variation (often experimentally controlled); and, usually, iterations.
One datapoint outside such a system is not science.
You can’t even necessarily just insert a new datapoint into a pre-existing scientific sytem. The system itself may need to be adjusted, for example to test and account for biases that often occur due to how observations are made.
fine i guess i have to unsubscibe from this one then
Yeah, for a tech support community, like the one linked in the related communities box.
What’s the point of all that toxic nonsense down the right hand side of the page ?
Yep; unless valid means open ended, thought provoking, ends with “?” and not support.
Yes, people confuse “free” (unregulated) with “competetive market” all the time.
If “free” means “no barriers to market entry or exit and even distribution of market power” then they’re similar.
But if free means “no regulation” then it’ll just be a race to accumulate the most market power (and political and military force) and use that to suppress competition. Features like slavey and indentured debtors has commonly occurred in ‘free’ (unregulated) markets, but it is just about the complete opposite of ‘no barriers and even market power’.
‘Free’ is a not a great word in this context.
Yes, I think mostly it was farmers who deforested the planet; and are still doing it.
It might be if all the humans not hunting their meat starved to death - orwere never born. I think it really depends on what counterfactual you want to dream up.
You could argue that modern farming techniques created the agricultural surplus and enbled population growth and urbanisation and maybe helped the human population to grow to a level that hunter gatherers woud not be likely to have reached.
I think it is the scale of human population that is challenges sustainability of any tech, either method would be sustainable at some scale. I’m not convinced that modern farming practices are very sustainable for 10+bn people , for all that long. But I guess we’ll see.
Over the long term i think hunter gathering humans were around a lot longer than farmers have been, and a much much longer than modern intnsive monocultural/ pesticide / fertilizer based methods. So you’d have to wait a few thousand years to know how sustainable modern farming is.
Not really, it generally worked in the end - so in fact it’s pretty great actually at getting you out of a hole.
It was just a load of extra steps - and usually a last resort after failing with whatever came on the installation disks. So morale had taken a few hits before you even started with it.
Everything is easier when you can connect to the network immediately.
Fair play to ubuntu (and i guess kernel improvements in early 2ks) - that was such a major step in ease of installation.
Bring back the good old days of ndiswrapper.
If sellers can fix prices so easily they’re a cartel. Your whole economy is way fucked in that case so you definately need radical reform of one type or another, UBI is the least of your worries. Paying monopoly prices for everything is your big problem, you do need to get on with effective anti-trust action - or other radical market reform.
Even if no prosecution due to regulatory capture and so on though, a cartel of enough oligopolists in inherently unstable and they have to work hard to keep up the cooperation, it becomes a complex situation but underying it, the first one to cut prices will sell way more units and eat the others market share . This doesn’t work all the time in all industries, but general competetive pressure does sometimes work to mediate excess profits in some circumstances.
Now, if you’d picked a broken market like rents and said landlords fix rental prices higher, yes - dysfunctional market, high barriers to entry, no real liquidity, rare transactions, powerful intermediators, weak ill informed buyers; yes such a market probably would benefit from price regulation or increasing social housing provision.
I’d love to see the evidence for the 1:1 happening in practice. I suspect it’s someone’s perverse-dream, very strong assumptions about universal sellers power and consumers total inability to substitute.
Struggled to find beer that I like in usa- I’ve not been there much though.
It’s increasingly hard here though (UK).
Shitty lager, or hipster-grapefruit-jizz or guiness is the normal choice in most pubs, and even in many so called “real ale” pubs, those of them still left. A decent pint of bitter is hen’s teeth these days. I guess fashions change and there’s no money in old style beers that I prefer. You can’t argue with the bottom line.
I find shitty lager in US is not as nice as shitty european lager - it just seems to have an odd taste - but it’s not what i want to drink… I guess german/czech lager is about as good as it gets, for lager/pils - but still not very flavourful.
Belgium is good, but not really for a session beer. It’s for a different type of drinking.
Can I get the icon in cornflower blue? https://youtu.be/4NomQYQK1bE
pandas is obviously chinese spyware.
It depends what packages you need, and what they have to interact with.
If it’s all standalone then no problem until the hardware degrades.
For example I had laptop (DOS/Win98 ) with a pcmcia network adapter with BNC 50 ohm coax network dongle, 9/25 pin serial/parallell ports, maybe p/s2 port, floppy drive and so on.
I can’t think what I’d connect that to I might have a parallell port on my PC, but on that laptop I think I only had laplink so I’d need a linux app to interact with that. I do still hve a floppy drive somewhere, but how to connect that to my motherboard?
So I’d probably be limited to keyboard and trackball input, and audio + (monochrome) video output.
lemmings on black and white, blurry, slow refresh rate would still “work” unless the hdd got corrupted.
Within a lifetime current gen wifi, usb, ethernet etc may all be as rare as 9 pin serial is today - it’s still around of course, but you cant rely on it.
You dont even need 2 languages, just a bottle of whisky.
‘Loch Lochy’ in Scotland.