• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Indeed, I’m not sure even testing is sufficient. My family recently got it (my wife and I visiting my parents), but thought nothing of it for a week. My father had a sore throat, my mother had watery eyes and some nasal congestion. My father masked indoors (because I don’t want a regular cold either) and chalked my mother’s symptoms to seasonal allergies (the cars were covered with Pine pollen all week). Then, on the drive home, my wife felt off. 10 hours in the car together. She slept in the guest room that night and, just for grins, tested for Covid the next morning. She was positive. We called and had my parent’s test - both positive. I tested negative so I packed my things and rented a hotel room for the week and worked there alone. I tested every other day and was never positive, but I cancelled all my client meetings.

    I still never “got it” but…is it really feasible I didn’t have some low level? This is my second trip in a car for multiple hours with someone who tested positive the next day. Granted, I’m about 4 vaccines in (2xOG, 1 updated, 1 XBB variant), but so is my wife. I have to think that I had some sub-clinical level of viral load, or at least below the antigen test threshold, but I’m thankful I escaped symptoms.

  • TBF, I got a finger wagged at me when I missed a recurring-fee cancellation date and I had only locked the card instead of deleting it. It notified the fraud department and they (claimed in the email notifying me that they) locked my entire card out and had to call them to remove the lock. They then went through the “you should remember to cancel” speech and recommended deleting the number instead of locking it. C1’s customer service is, generally, trash compared to Amex and Chase so I shouldn’t be surprised that they’re a bit overzealous in how to handle a locked card. Still, it’s a worthwhile feature.