Yes, the article lists some of those reasons and it also mentions economic factors. I personally see job loss to be a huge factor in depression amongst people I know, hence my comment.
The economy is totally fine though /s
Yes, I use the Tidal playlists, artist radio and mixes as a replacement. I swear Spotify used to have genre based radio, but it’s been a while since I have used it.
Funny how the poster has the same name as the website as well
Sometimes I miss the Spotify “Radio” playlists. Also, having the desktop sync with mobile so I could just switch players and keep the same playlist was also nice. It’s been over two years though and I don’t miss it enough to go back, Tidal is mostly a comparable experience.
Did that happen when they rolled out HiFi for everyone? They actually lowered my HiFi family plan cost at that time, which was unexpected.
I’m a huge fan of Tidal. Musicians actually get paid more, probably because they’re not wasting money on exclusive podcasts.
Maybe start with empathy next time.
A number of people who I have known to have that mindset faced a lot of hardship growing up. They had so much working against them for so long that it’s hard for them to see instances when they have control or to understand when some things are actually their fault.
I’m always impressed that they stayed still long enough to get their picture taken.
No doubt answered with “we’re a family here” nonsense, all while the company makes record profits and the executives get compensated with a giant bag of cash. Yuck.
It looks real to me. Either that or someone put in an enormous amount of effort into creating 271 pages of FUD, only to leak it in a way that the media will suppress the content.
I have already made my argument, thanks for stopping in.
Who is without bias?
Certainly not you
They have a vested interest in making Russia look weak. They are not unbiased.
Not mod, but a Ukrainian source writing about Russian losses seems a bit biased to me.
Oh yay, another AI Pin or glasses or assistant thing that won’t be worth buying. Yay.
Sounds like a see a doctor thing to me.
Gotta wonder if that would work. My impression is that they are kind of looping inside the model to improve quality but that the looping is internal to the model. Can’t wait for someone to make something similar for Ollama.