And as AI monsters go, it’s far from the worst. Barely even a monster.
And as AI monsters go, it’s far from the worst. Barely even a monster.
No wonder he was the captain of the Black Perl…
Threaten in the sense that it competes with, and is built under a different economic system. Got the free market folk all ruffled because it isn’t playing the game the way they want it played.
It has it’s own limitations of course, and the full strength version isn’t quite ‘run at home’ but it is pretty close, and there are weaker versions that can even be run on an SBC (if slowly). It’s definitely in reach of the enthusiast though.
It’s also supposed to have some strong reasoning capabilities (haven’t tested myself yet) which is a big thing compared to your common or garden chat bots that at best sometimes know facts.
You have to use it a lot. From what I can tell that’s their problem, they priced unlimited access low based on some numbers they pulled out their arse and then were all shocked Pikachu face when people used it and unlimited amount.
Lagrangian mechanics wins again baby! Newton can suck it!
I think the facists used to call it a Roman salute too. They tend to have something of a hard-on for Rome.
I sometimes suspect that the push for decimalisation was in part to avoid having to teach computers the old system.
Well, he’s clearly not talking about small people like say, me or you compared to Trump or Musk. And let me be clear, he is probably wrong about that as well. If Trump is anti-google that is likely nothing more than a negotiating position.
It’s probably just a language thing. When he says small people he means sub-mega corporations. Actual humans probably pass beneath his notice.
SteamOS is all well, and good, but does it have a dedicated button to launch an AI app (but not the one you can use at work) that can be reprogrammed to only do other things that also don’t need a dedicated button? I think not. Check and mate Gabe.
If lead acetate is bad for me why does it taste so good?
The cactus hybrid or the tomato cultivar?
What, at the youthful age of 69? Kid needs more experience.
How does this differ from an alarm clock app with (say) a 5 min snooze, or do you want something less intrusive than a loud alarm clock?
True, the clue is the samurai sword.
Any European really, Sean Connery might be dead but his memory lives on.
The way I see it you have, broadly 2 routes you can go down. You can contact the RSPCA (calling your local branch if you can.) Explain your concerns and your evidence of previous behaviour. If there isn’t a court order in place they will be limited with what they can do, but they are best placed to track the situation and seek such an order. It will largely be out of your hands what happens after that.
Alternatively you can avoid involving state power at this point, befriend your new neighbour and monitor the situation. If she can be spared social isolation, there may be opportunity for her to have a healthy lifestyle and properly look after her cats. You will also be in a better position to see any problems as they develop, and provide friendly advice and support rather than just calling in a big hammer.
And lo, when he saw the moneylenders working out of the temple, he said: “see how the wealth of these men sometimes falls out of their bulging pockets, and look, they pay that man who carries their wealth enough to survive. I mean not to own a house, or to live comfortably without fear. But you know, he can rent one of their spare houses for just most of his pay, and if he is sick, they shall call to him and say ‘look, we really need you in tomorrow, you need to be a team player.’ They truly are the most righteous of men, for does not my father say: if I wanted the poor to be rich, I’d have given them gold?”
This is the way.
Are we entirely sure it’s not just an ornament? I’ve got all kinds of things that aren’t even ritual objects.