• 11 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024


  • I’m just saying that saying or thinking things like „Kick them out of the EU. Good riddance!” would only result in an absolute dictatorship and the suffering of almost 10 million people in the long term.
    I hate the hungarian government too, but kicking them out from the eu would only affect the people, and the same assholes would be sitting in throne, but instead of having some people at least trying to make them lean in the right direction, they would happily abuse their powers without the fear of losing anything

    I see your point. Thanks for elaborating.

    Having said that I’d like to add that one of my annoyances about Orban lately is the change regarding
    Russians and Belarussians. Which means these people can easily go further into Europe. Unrelated to this Germany picked up border control again (Besides their border control with Czech Republic which they already had). We’re living in a troubled world and in very difficult times.

  • Absurd article by NYT.

    According to this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch#Trial_and_prison it was not really a prison.
    He got five years but got out after some eight months. During that time he also dictated his Mein Kampf book to Hess and another of his allies. See also the photo in that article of a “cozy” meeting in the “prison”.

    The lay judges were fanatically pro-Nazi and had to be dissuaded by the presiding Judge, Georg Neithardt, from acquitting Hitler outright.[42] Hitler and Hess were both sentenced to five years in Festungshaft [de] (‘fortress confinement’) for treason. Festungshaft was the mildest of the three types of jail sentence available in German law at the time; it excluded forced labour, provided reasonably comfortable cells, and allowed the prisoner to receive visitors almost daily for many hours. This was the customary sentence for those whom the judge believed to have had honourable but misguided motives, and it did not carry the stigma of a sentence of Gefängnis (common prison) or Zuchthaus (disciplinary prison). In the end, Hitler served just over eight months of this sentence before his early release for good behaviour.[43] Prison officials allegedly wanted to give Hitler deaf guards, to prevent him from persuading them to free him.[28]

  • I wonder if you have any tips / words of advice regading things that PieFed does and Lemmy doesn’t do.

    PieFed has Topics which Lemmy doesn’t have. So with PieFed you can subscribe to a lot of communities at once. Or you can start a post in PieFed inside a topic and then PieFed will ask you in which community you want to post. PieFed also can let you follow a user, and let you subscribe or un-subscribe from posts or comments.

    More here : https://join.piefed.social/features/ -> Differences between Lemmy and PieFed

    Some things I like about Lemmy, and what PieFed does not (?) yet have :

    • Easy to cross-post to other communities. This is useful to avoid letting others seeing a lot of posts in a row.
    • Detection of an earlier post with the same title so one can decide to stop posting a duplicate.
    • Auto suggestion when wanting to mention someone with @

  • The example you are giving about fighting back turned out to be in your favor.
    But things could have gone wrong, especially when a whole group would have backed the other guy.
    And by that you are sort of advocating a survival of the fittest which is maybe not a good idea
    when you are small and timid versus some strong guy.
    I believe it is not wrong to involve school personnel when bullying happens.

    In Europe anti bullying policies were implemented years ago. I remember reading that in newspapers.

    Here is an example of a school which has anti-bullying policy :

    • Our Anti-Bullying Policy is based on the principles that:
    • Each individual must be treated with respect
    • Bullying is never an individual problem, as it degrades the atmosphere at school.
    • Bullying is a problem that can be addressed.
    • All members of the school community (school staff, parents and pupils) are called upon to prevent and
      react against all forms of bullying.
    • All members of the school community must have the opportunity to be listened to, respected and

  • The US should improve treatment of mental health issues.
    The US should recover public confidence in its political system.

    The things you have suggested are just distractions away from these two points and won’t fix anything.

    Your point about mental health issues is about the victim being bullied or being avoided by others I guess ?
    If I refuse to buy Nike shoes like all others, and if I decide to wear all black clothes with heavy metal shirts and I prefer to read books rather than talk loud and the rest of my class mates avoid me for reasons, does that mean I need to get therapy ?

  • Hell, no. Don’t put the responsibility on victims to help their bullies/abusers.

    I see. In Europe things are different.
    Here is an example of a school which has anti-bullying policy :

    • Our Anti-Bullying Policy is based on the principles that:
    • Each individual must be treated with respect
    • Bullying is never an individual problem, as it degrades the atmosphere at school.
    • Bullying is a problem that can be addressed.
    • All members of the school community (school staff, parents and pupils) are called upon to prevent and
      react against all forms of bullying.
    • All members of the school community must have the opportunity to be listened to, respected and

    Also, it’s not always a clear cut bully/victim dynamic. My school had a loner gun-loving asocial student. He probably thought he was bullied. In reality he made people, especially the girls, super uncomfortable and he was avoided. No one really made fun of him, never physically attacked him, never pulled pranks on him, just avoided him. Not inviting his friendship is not bullying. He needed professional help.

    Forcing me, for example, to talk to him and pretend to be his friend would have been bad for both of us. He needed counseling/therapy, which I was not and still am not qualified to provide, and I needed safe friends I could trust.

    Okay. That is a lone wolf example, it is not about active bullying.

    I consider bullying to be violent in general.
    Even words can be damaging for some people.
    The whole “boys don’t cry” is a tragedy in my opinion and has done a lot of emotional damage already.

    And reading this today https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_L._Trump#Personal_life I would not be at all
    surprised if Donald Trump would benefit from long time therapy.

  • To me there is a significant difference between a possible US dictatorship a la Project 2025 and the Western Europe where the far right is in some governments but certainly not close to a dictatorship (Things are different in the East of Europe, for example in Hungary). And there’s more differences, compare worker unions in the US versus Europe. And compare gun ownership in the US versus Europe. Same for death penalty. I consider the EU future a breeze compared to the US future.