Because Trump and Europe’s far-right have the same Russian boss.
Watching America edging fascism is my pastime in between watching my own country edging fascism.
This is why a length of a vector on a complex plane is |z|=√(z*×z). z* is a complex conjugate of z.
Search “blizzard breast milk”
As per Arch wiki
Arch is a pragmatic distribution rather than an ideological one.
If you’re a FOSS purist, you shouldn’t run Arch ethier way, because providing proprietary software for those who want it is one of the core principles of Arch.
John: *eats bread with mayo*
Jesus: *blushes*
Thanks to its strong beak, it can tear even the strongest 3-ply toilet paper to shreds if it has been moistened beforehand.
I wish his name was Richard…
I’m convinced someone on LTT’s team is on Lemmy. Two weeks ago one of their quickbits had a title “u/spez endorses lemmy”.
Elon repeatedly said he’s fine with sacrifices made for the sake of progress. It’s just that he thinks others should be doing sacrifices and he should be the guy doing progress. Very convenient for a narcissistic manbaby.
To my knowledge, the Rust’s book actually encourages writing as many automated tests as you can, as the compiler can’t catch every type of bug in existance.
A lot of Christians don’t seem to like Jesus ethier. They just like the brand.
It’s the same fanbase
Signatures collection started 5 days ago and already 1/8 of them have been collected. That’s impressive.
No decent person in the article criticized the game. It’s just Farage and his friend trying to play a victim card.
“And frankly, Chesterfield Pride needs to grow up, because they would not accept this if this was against a gay politician.”
If Farage was gay people would still throw milkshakes at him. Right wing politicians tend to concentrate on person’s identity and not what they say, because their own platform is just (conservative) identity politics without any policy to actually help people.
Are there any other sources on that? This article being on Telegraph makes me question it happend.
You’ve guessed right — It’s Poland.