Why is Colbert doing security for Elvis?
Why is Colbert doing security for Elvis?
Nice try Boeing.
My lips are sealed
Fuzzing inputs until I find a buffer overflow.
Dredge, Disco Elysium and Mines of Moria
Boomerang Fu. Played with the kids who enjoyed stomping their parents.
Ritual purposes.
Your base… is under attack.
If so they are real olives, not whatever everyone is talking about.
Robot vacuum and clothes drier.
I’m smart enough to know that everyone is both smart and stupid.
I’m stupid enough to believe that doesn’t apply to me.
Isn’t that only how American(?) toilets work? Other places don’t flush using the siphon effect.
That’s when you put in a block off plate instead.
1993? Mitsubishi Magna.
Was literally given it and still lost money. Dry solder joints all through the main fuse/relay box. Got those all fixed and it blew the transmission.
No wonder they were Angry Birds.
Initial thought was “I can’t think of anything”. Then I started scrolling through this thread showering upvoted on all of the repressed memories.
In this case it is a form of Transmissible Cancer.
Wear some insect repellant and see if it still happens.