You can (and I do) rebind the modifier keys in System Preferences. Makes it a lot comfier to use a Mac and another machine with the same keyboard via KVM switch.
You can (and I do) rebind the modifier keys in System Preferences. Makes it a lot comfier to use a Mac and another machine with the same keyboard via KVM switch. you’re welcome
I have news for everyone ITT: TikTok is not leaving the US. A friend works in their North America business division, and they are fully planning to split off a satellite company that is (at least nominally) US-based and compliant with local law. They have been working on the transition for many months.
The Expanse. I forgot how good the earlier seasons were, and looking forward to seeing the newer stuff for the first time.
I’m not making an argument for the technology or the veracity of the claims, I was literally just pointing out the misunderstanding.
3% false negatives, not false positives.
I’m so much more worried about my future kids’ access to toxic alpha male shit and fascist propaganda than I am about porn.
“This is not a place of honor”
The door was opened normally by the driver, it was just forced open the rest of the way by the motorcycle.
I can only speak about the US, but sadly, the unhoused die of hunger, preventable disease, and exposure all the time here. And unemployment does not cover a 1 bedroom apartment in major cities, nor does it qualify you for the outrageous requirements of most leases. You may be right about the status of the poor in the EU though.
They eat cleaner food and have more amenities than a King, but they certainly don’t live better. The point of the article is that the rising tide is floating a few boats wayyyy higher than the rest, and the overall growth does not justify the fact that people still die of hunger, get evicted while working multiple jobs, fall ill and are saddled by medical dept for life (US only), and shit like that.
Most interesting definition, I think, comes from contrapposto. Can it die? No. So long as it retains its “shape” more or less, it functions. If heated or denatured, it no longer functions. More like broken than dead.
I never imagined how this would apply to images. Fascinating! I wonder what other art has a totally different tone to native RTL readers.
Me upgrading my wardrobe: “I wear suits now”
I’m actually surprised at how little they spend on lobbying, even with the recent uptick. It must be the other thing, you know, our representatives are shareholders.
Damn me neither
This is the same fucking thing. It is simultaneously 12:25am MDT and 6:25am GMT where I live. If you ask my computer what time it is, it knows it is 06:25:00-06:00.
Two sides of the same coin buddy.
Does it? It’s not a brag, I don’t think it’s particularly cool or interesting. It just means I heard it from the horse’s mouth and it is absolutely happening barring new legal action.