• 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2021


  • As interesting as it is crazy. My experience was completely unsolicited. The podologist, a health professional, out of the blue, started talking about this miraculous solution and showed it to me: looked like antifreeze liquid. Discarded the comment, the pandemic topic was still fresh and a go-to conversation, so she went back to the CD as a treatment for COVID-19. I was skepticly interested by then, threw a couple of questions and she started talking about its supposedly scientific evidence. Then she used the word “protocols”, as if it was the most serious matter to her.

    She already had my number so, asked politely if she could send me some documents and evidence of the treatment and its protocols. I told her yes, sure, let’s see what’s all about. After treating my infected nail, a couple of hours later, a new WhatsApp conversation with lots of documents and videos appeared in my inbox. I was baffled, so angry too, fucking quacks deceiving desperate people suffering from all kinds of illnesses, just for the money and attention.

  • Well, I like it. Yes, it requires some time, but overall makes a lot of sense as a comparison. I would have left the 794 cities part out of the graphic to see more clearly the difference between the USA and outside the USA, but I guess you wanted to show it for some specific reason. That part was the only one I had to “guess” by adding the n value for USA plus the one for non-USA cities.