• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • Life in the Crimson Corporation is typical: there are good times, when benefit packages and bonuses improve and bad times, when the corporation has to lay off some employees. Only, if one is out of job, one is out of luck. Since everything on Druuge worlds is Corporation property, every ex-employee is instantly trespassing and guilty of stealing corporation property, like air and sunlight. The only suitable punishment in Druuge laws for that is to feed the Furnace. Retired ex-employees are, however, allowed to breathe Corporation air (albeit at decreased rates).

  • That would be phenomenal, but I imagine it’s unlikely.

    However, if we’re in the realm of unlikely scenarios, maybe they can give me a follow-up to Xcom: Enemy Within that proceeds from an Xcom victory in the first game. I never got into Xcom 2 because it ignored the buildup to the greater enemy foreshadowed at the end of Enemy Within. Not knocking those who liked what we got…it just didn’t work for me.

  • Honestly, I could deal with Adrian’s shenanigans just fine. That whole thing was supposed to be over the top, so they shifted most of his story to non-canonical status. I understood why, at the time. But then, the main storyline moved on to a lot of odd muscle porn stuff that was kinda not important to the story. I was dealing with that when I came across a thread lamenting the fact that the actual Gilgamesh of ancient legend was coming into the story as a living character somehow. I read ahead to confirm, and then I gave up. It was just one ridiculous bridge too far. The beautiful HFY story I’d started reading all the way back with Kevin Jenkins (whose character transformed in some nonsensical ways himself) was just too off the rails for me at that point. Add the dismissive treatment of female characters later on, and it was just another story ruined for me. So many great characters and so much unrealized potential…

    There were some seriously emotional stories in the Jenkinsverse, but there were so many side stories that went nowhere. I’ve just been disappointed too many times to continue to sort through it all.

    If you liked it all, more power to you. It had some pretty fantastic moments. It just transformed too far away from what I enjoyed about it for me to continue.