• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • themeatbridge@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzI just cited myself.
    3 days ago

    Sure, but you’re equivocating two things that aren’t the same. Until you’ve written infinity 9s, you haven’t written the number yet. Once you do, the number you will have written will be exactly the number 1, because they are exactly the same. The difference between all the nines you could write in one thousand lifetimes and 0.999… is like the difference between a cup of sand and all of spacetime.

    Or think of it another way. Forget infinity for a moment. Think of 0.999… as all the nines. All of them contained in the number 1. There’s always one more, right? No, there isn’t, because 1 contains all of them. There are no more nines not included in the number 1. That’s why they are identical.

  • themeatbridge@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzDandelions
    3 days ago

    In a manner of speaking, yes.

    See, the church of Scientology cloned Tom years ago, and rolls out a new “stunt double” for each movie to make sure that his productions are done on time. If one Tom falls during a stunt, a new one is released.

    Unfortunately, due to a clerical error, the original Tom was mislabelled before being put back in his tank, so it’s unclear which one was the first. This led to several Toms being accidentally left out, allowing this picture to be taken and forcing the church to pretend that they are different people and give them each a fake identity under which to live out their natural lives.

  • To make something that looks exactly like a pyramid, I imagine the easiest thing to do would be to fabricate large stone blocks and stack them the same way the pyramids were built. Cranes could make short work of the stacking, and if you’re willing to spend more, you could make the blocks out of lighter materials like fiberglass and foam. Even with natural stone, you could have multiple cranes and multiple crews to be done in like a month. Fabrication and delivery would also depend on the availability of the materials, so that might take another six weeks if you’re willing to spend the money.

    If it were a standard construction project, you might budget for two years to create the drawings, get permits, bid out the job to contractors, prep the site, build the dang thing, and get final inspections. How much it would cost would also depend on materials selected and where it was built. Labor rates, land value, material costs, all of that varies by location and even the seasons.

    Budget, Quality, Speed. These are the three corners of the universal priority triangle. If you want it fast and good, it’s going to cost a lot of money. Fast and cheap will be low quality. Good and cheap will take a long time (maybe forever).

  • The evidence isn’t even that strong, there i just aren’t that many people willing to risk becoming a pariah to dispute them.

    If you are a Christian, there is no doubt Jesus existed. Any oblique reference to a rabbi who was persecuted hundreds years ago is considered evidence that Jesus existed. But no contemporaneous documentation exists.

    If you’re not a Christian, debunking all of those vague references that might be proof of a Jewish leader named Jesus just isn’t particularly important, won’t persuade anyone who believes Jesus was(is) God, and will paint a target on your back for terrorists.

  • Because Conservativism is not an ideology. It’s narcissism dressed in a stoic costume. Conservatives believe themselves to be righteous, so they support policies and legislation that benefit themselves. They gain followers by promoting a sense of belonging so they can defend the self and attack the other. There is no lie to brazen, no hypocrisy too obvious, no depth too low for a conservative seeking power, because they are justified by their identity. If the conservative is good, then anything the conservative does or says is good while they are doing it or saying it.

    When they can no longer hold power through politics, they always fall back on fascism and bigotry.

  • I’ve met baby chicks. They’re adorable, and about as self-aware as a furby. I’m not saying they don’t suffer, but they don’t suffer terror or panic the way a human would. And considering the life of a factory farm chicken, they definitely suffer less.

    Either way, we should end inhumane factory farming practices. If we stop torturing chickens for food, we will also stop shoveling baby chicks into a meat grinder.