1 day ago@SrMono https://archive.ph/uubyQ
Here is the unpaywalled link
@SrMono https://archive.ph/uubyQ
Here is the unpaywalled link
@Burstar sorry sealioning? What do you mean by that?
There is more to it. They needed something to hit him with. With Obama it was a tan suit and with Zelensky it was his unofficial military uniform.
Had he been wearing a suit they would have gone after him for wearing a fancy suit while his people were dying. A tan one at that.
The top image puts that into perspective. Because the answer to her question is off course no, they would not suddenly care and take action. The suit, or lack, thereof is inconsequential.
Well I hope you liked this Zelensky salad of mine.
@LaFinlandia well I guess they experienced the housing crisis first hand!
@SrMono d’oh