Zero symptoms. It’s something very common, and usually discovered by coincidence. But I’m down 40 pounds so far. My grandmother died of non-alcoholic cirrhosis. It was horrifying to watch as a teen. Now that I’m in my forties this diagnosis, which is common, seriously scares the hell out of me. So I take it as a good thing that I am using to make lifelong changes. Crossing my fingers. I still want to lose 20-30 pounds. If nothing else I’m saving great money avoiding the convenience food I abused on a daily basis. And I’m getting really into working out and am hoping to get some “gains” in the next couple months.
My mom used to be an official Ty ^® dealer. She has bags and bags if those leftover in her basement. Iirc she has the Erin one that is worth an absolute fortune.
Right before the market crashed on them, some flipper sold one to a secret Ty representative and told a story about how she bought them at my mom’s store. They instantly pulled her from being a dealer. It was devastating at the time. Just suddenly cut off her main source of income. In the end though, I think it was a fortunate blessing.
She was skirting and Ty’s rules though. She couldn’t sell them for more than the price set by Ty. But she could give them away as a promotion if people bought other merchandise. So she would give away the highly sought after ones with a purchase of $100-200 of other merchandise. She had lines out the door.