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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • Thats what I’m confused about, if they have staff to run it all the time, why would they schedule people like this except to make their lives more miserable? I do know bosses love that though.

    Edit: Someone pointed out people don’t want to work only the swing shift or night, so they schedule like this to keep full crews, I guess that makes sense but it still sucks

  • I haven’t seen the original yet but the DS9 version of that episode was great, I was impressed they even used old style lenses and film to recreate the style of the 60s episode. It also made me realize “huh, William Shatner is kinda hot isn’t he?” Ahah. I’ll watch the original series eventually, I have a lot to catch up on lol.

  • There’s a Star Trek ds9 episode where a non-human alien gets sent back in time to 1947. They discover on their sensors the radiation from the continual nuclear bomb tests and are horrified that the humans would irradiate their own planet. I just recently became a ‘trekkie’ and I get it, it really has some of the best themes and plots in sci-fi