Why are people downvoting you? Iced tea in Canada is sweet. Think things like Brisk or Nestea. If you order iced tea at a restaurant here, it’s coming out if the same machine as the pop (syrup+water) just not carbonated.
Why are people downvoting you? Iced tea in Canada is sweet. Think things like Brisk or Nestea. If you order iced tea at a restaurant here, it’s coming out if the same machine as the pop (syrup+water) just not carbonated.
Maybe it’s just a tube of mashed potatoes
I disagree. He did the math assuming all the energy would be dissipated but that’s assuming it came to a stop which is the whole debate. Essentially a mathy begging the question.
The jet of hot gasses coming up around and with the cover could’ve provided a good bit of protection from friction for the first bit (where the atmosphere would have the greatest effect) and ablative effects and the short travel time though the atmosphere could’ve been enough for a likely slightly smaller and very hot cover to blast into space.
I’m sure you’ll find some good explanations online, but there’s an “activation” circuit on the device “listening” that then engages the rest of the system when it’s triggered. So there’s no recording or sending of data until the activation phrase has been said, and the activation phrase detection is done locally on the device.
That’s why there should also be an extension cord in the cart
My understanding is the mics aren’t “live” until the activation phrase is said, then they record and send that data for processing. If someone has proven otherwise I’d love to see their methods.
The scary thing isn’t that they’re listening, it’s that they collect so much other data that they don’t have to.
Hasn’t this been proven to be false? People have monitored the network traffic and phones don’t listen like this; it’s just not practical.
Instead, they keep track of your browsing, location, contacts, etc and build a profile well enough they don’t need to listen to you.
Like how kissing is like connecting two long tubes with buttholes on either end?
Check out the username of the original post
We don’t know if Jesus had a downstairs mix up
This reminded me of Bucky O’Hare
Got the link?
Isn’t Ariel 16 in the movie?
I think it’s more ownership and permission than money (although unfortunately they often overlap). You’re allowed to paint your own house, but not somebody else’s unless you have permission to do so.
It’s important for the sense of scale
Maybe it’s an ambiguous translation and they mean more like boring or plain?
Those poor innocent feet
That was an interesting read but it’s not the math per encounter. They strangely used lifetime stats and ignored number of encounters so it doesn’t answer that question.
Some of the other commenters who point out flaws in the math seem to get their comments deleted or downvoted so that doesn’t help. It’s a controversial topic which makes it really hard to just crunch numbers without being accused of picking a side or trying to skew the results.
Coming up with the stat that 10% of men will commit a rape in their lifetimes is wild though, and super sad if true.